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Innocence and Corruption

Chapter 2 Escape

Word Count: 1378    |    Released on: 28/12/2021


nd the city. The barbarians had come from the north. Since before she could rem

half. When someone traveled too deeply into the forest from her city, they would return with wil

est. Rumor was the land was filled with all kinds of horrifying creatures and was led by demons of all things. It

ice. She squeezed her hands in front of her chest. How many times had she told her father of those

ther’s men are holding them beyond the walls.” She shudde

laid in a giant fire. Bodies, torn a

eemed to tower over her. His arms and legs flexed with huge muscles, as he

her’s crown. Although shadows hid his face, through that helm, glowing red eyes h

panic grabbing her painfully throug

. Take you to the lodge and away from here an

ot the time for calm. She needed to warn her father about her

y. She nodded, trying to swallow the panic and continue through the fear that twisted within her. “No matter

her’s men are experienced, well armed and twice as strong as any enemy.” She resisted the urge to roll her eyes before turning to the guards.

the King my message. Tell him I had a dream. This battle will not end well. He must get out. His men must elim

esolve, she lifted her skirts and nodded at the light magician. “Let’s hurry.” She said fi

had escorted her before and had earned that post through glorious battles in the arena as well as on the battle

a man his size. But Sabrina knew he was not only strong but swift. Many a man had u

green eyes had been rumored to pierce souls. His s

t to be underestimated either. His round belly and face did nothi

as no time for jokes, she respected his serious look. “These two are Lancelot and Jerome.

as everyone else had done to bow. Sabrina’s eyes

a were within a year difference. He was slightly taller than her and had l

ng customs had gotten him in the stocks a time or two. Where the King s

time. Their time together had brought them closer until

he teased, the intensity of the situation

s her. “We must… go.” His words were strained a

t want to run away. But the set of his jaw and determination on his feature

jumped into the saddle of her own horse, whic

had probably thought it a funny joke giving her a creature that

he King had taken notice of, the men surely would have paid. But she had been delighted with

k. “Ride swift, my sweet. There is blood in the a

shadows, nothing moved. They burst forth taking th

metal got louder. She hoped to catch sight of the battle. But they turned from the wall

to whatever Gods or Goddesses would hear her that this battle was not

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