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Innocence and Corruption

Innocence and Corruption

Author: Byerly B

Chapter 1 Awakened

Word Count: 1063    |    Released on: 28/12/2021

bed, her blue eyes a darker shade than usual matching the deep shadows. Seconds la

pper for you to enter these chambers without letting me dress the princess first.” She struggled

ainst metal, through the distance. It replaced the insect

make sense of her surroundings but the fog of her nightmares still clung to her conscience. It fill

immediately for riding. It will be a long night.

uld wake her before sunrise. He usually ensured she slept well s

room beyond unnaturally bright. Sabrina thoug

a couple steps closer to the bed. “My eyes won't adjust well after that bright ball of light.” Sabrina c

e unnecessarily. “What’s going on?” Her voice cracked slightly

dressed. Apparently it is some emergency!” Tracena had made it to her clo

et to land on the cold wooden flooring at her bedside. The handmaiden knew

en given to her father, when a nearby farm could not pay what

f it, and Tracena prefered life with her own family. But neither had a choice. The King had tasked T

would be suitors. But she knew the handmaiden’s heart belonged to one man. Sabrina’s favorite

e should not do what she planned or covering for Sabrina when those plans went awry. They had their fights and di

onlight. She glanced up in the mirror, meeting her own blue eyes. Her soft brown hair pulled be

stle where they thought she could not hear. They would say how jealous they were of her creamy skin

acena had become adept at her job, Sabrina admired quietly. “Get dressed. You’re coming with

orb of his kind. He smiled and bowed deeply. The two knights behind him had been c

cticed poise, as the men looked up at her from beneath their bows. Sabrina huffed and used her right hand

rly thought he was in charge. It was not unusual for the magical to automatically be given rank. But Sabrina was not imp

d through her room and the opened door. A scream rang through the night, and

f the bedroom, completely dressed and carrying Sabrina’s plain

e get to the stables.” She figured they would take the castle halls until they reached the door that

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