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Innocence and Corruption

Chapter 5 Recovery

Word Count: 1225    |    Released on: 28/12/2021

e Joz

temple. He looked groggy for only a second but the girl remained qu

e was so beautiful, her skin shining in the sunlight like the aura of an angel. His heart skippe

g. There was a barn nearby. He had hidden his leather armor caked in so much blood and donned

e few steps in the barn. Fortunately, as he snuck out the back, his horse had found him. He

ally in that bashed leg, that he had barely managed to get to his horse in the fi

nuzzled the back of his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. The girl st

is body was sore from bottom to top. This is nothing, he

ently, as Sabrina stood. “I really must get

s out of place here. He assumed he had probably scared her. He lifted

ought back his angry response, she had helped him and he knew he was in

but there was something else. The pain was not as potent as he expected it sho

it had felt like it was being split in two. All of t

question ended there and he assumed it was because sh

his consciousness and he had trouble let

lanced up at the s

ing at him thoughtfully. But now she squinted those beautiful eyes, which accented her cute little nose. She opened he

his feet. His knee hurt but it no longer felt as though i

d to a guarded one, the longing and melancholy gone. “I have some family that liv

.” He said pridefully. She looked at h

eld, the homeland King’s forces were scattered and struggling to stand on their own. “I could not stand to f

ud of his father and the accomplishment of taking the city. But this woman made

. If his father had even suspected he was having such emotio

grated on his nerves. But he nodded. “King Terrance will want the locati

form was so hot. Her perfect perky breasts held above

here and there would be nothing anyone could do about

him, punished him for not going through with it. He had long wished to hold onto his human

I must go.” She said softly. “Thanks for the news

ed to hold her to him and feel her breath push her chest against his. His eyes wandered a

would surely have pissed his father off as a sign of weakness. He stepped quickly after her,

d not give him a chance to respond. “Maybe for a while. But not all the way. The

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