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Innocence and Corruption

Chapter 4 Rendezvous

Word Count: 1626    |    Released on: 28/12/2021


come from. They were to stay in the lodge until either her dad arrived or they needed supplies. If they needed so

ician was asleep in his room. Everyone, except Sabrina, had agreed that she should stay at the cabin

after the gate had completely shut. Noone would see the lodge unless they had a directive from the roya

e to the gate, it would repel them, knocking them back and causing a momentary confusion. Everything about th

ould undoubtedly bring home. Not only would the plants add flavor to

r with a single goal: keeping the heir to the Treyus bloodline safe from the invading

she knew well. Her father had taken her to this place before. It held beautiful memories

s were not singing and squirrels did not chatter, as they watched her walk

athering extra. The feeling of being watched seemed to come from everywhere

, she told herself, as she took her first step. But the uneasiness had

ut from a thicket of woods. He was injured badly. The hors

ts eyes told her the animal would fight rather than leave his master behind

howing the man and the anim

, his muscular arms wrapped around his abdomen. He watched her cautiously with

n so handsome except his features were tired and pinched, as if working hard t

to tell him her real name but decided best not to reveal herself yet. “Tracena.” It was the first name that came to

oice growled and she heard a hint

nded with a more guarded look. He swayed on

e’s personal sword mannequin. He wore her family’s colors. Maybe he was a soldier

his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell to the g

r the pressure of it but did not respond. She looked around the woods. She had to help him

ng. She pulled Burberry vines that would work well for adhesive. After quickl

ding out soothing vibes to it. “He needs some attention.” She whispered to the steed. As i

t a lot of blood but was covered in it. Most of t

to overcome him. She wondered why someone like this had not been menti

m wounds. Taking his shirt off quickly, revealed perfectly toned muscles.

The only other option was to wait until he bled out. The bleedin

clean enough to use although most of it was beyond use. When the cloth fr

d shown no sign of blood. But as she examined him with her eyes, she r

ith a man in the woods without an escort was inappropriate enough. But for him to be exposed.. S

n she determined that they were too tight to pull up

surprised he had been able to get to and on the horse. She could not think

nodded, as she completed her work and sat b

alf the day with this stranger. She was exha

m unguarded, it would make all her care of his wounds me

barely feel it. Her heart beat fast. Did she work fast

uld not stay much longer. But she would not leave him like this. Her heart ached for h

hummed with a strange intensity. She poured in her strength behind the intense hu

had wished so hard for her father to heal from a wound and it seemed to do so overnight. As

s fluttered open. His eyes started to move behind

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