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My Werewolf Heartbeat

Chapter 5 Four

Word Count: 2035    |    Released on: 09/09/2021

had met Ava and yet it s

laying video games, causing trouble at malls, viewing movies at cine

going perfect betwee


cafeteria to have some food after a long day at

ore and although I didn't say it out, i

n who we thought would do better as a stand-up comedia

y and I lost interest in what Ava was sa

he whole world was paused and o

his eyes caught mine. Normally I would hav

h enticed me the more. I watched his every move and hi

nt wild with several thoughts; 'Why is he walking towards me? 'What

wered at once as he tapped Ava from b

ing and saying probably happy things to each other. One of his hands were o

ed with excitement. Her smile was perfect. and did well in exposi

me but I can bet that if you were i

ed my hands gently and said to him. "This is

things did she talk about? Good things? Bad things? Did she tell him I was a loser who co

added. "Don't bother, only nice things."

that I liked him, definitely not as a friend. He was the first guy I had ever acknowledged despite the number that came after me. Most of the guys that had gone aft

aced me with a smile, which sent c

ly paralyzed and numb. I rubbed my sweaty palm on my

ent sparks all over my body. It wasn't a strong handshake, it wasn't so

chother until Ava gently separated us. "Hey, what's going on here

soft hands."He said

ve me a heart attack. "Tha

ever commend me." Ava s

r hands are as har


ll la

said poking his muscular arm wi

hard but not as hard and co

at me with a smile on her face. "Well Hillary,

shyly. "Uhm

ry," He placed his hand on my shoulder, renewin

on't mind him Hillary, you were about to

u are very friendly unlike m

sweet. Thank you,

he's just plain, the only beauti

allow me this time. Did he really mean that or was he just joking. Whether j

as obvious that she was getting

he awkward vibe as he qu

we discussed about various topics an

mood had changed after Dylan's comment, was the f

endants and walke

ed to her expensive car which was two-seated. She urged Dylan

ce. It's cold out here and i

said, hugging myself as the co

irl like you wandering the road alone." He looked back at Ava. "You know what, how about you drive

ted me safe, made my h

No, Dylan. The road to her place is aw

, Ava. I'll dr

ed into her car, slammed the d

place. Regardless of the downpour and the cold which

o my place. He had carried me on his back most

irection to my bedroom, and I relunctantly told

which he had placed on me earlier. He advised me take off my wet clothes, have a hot

fifteen minutes I was done with it, so i shakily walked to the corridor and told

upstairs and

m to dress like that in front of me—a church chorister who was also the assistant head of the abstinence club in church. If my mum found out, I'll

y on my body and when he was don

p, I grabbed his hand and sa

e care. "No problem, Hillary.

n walking away, but he

curiously and ask

ound. "This sounds really cr

d surely remember a personality, face and body like his. I don't forget p

ave met before." He

omeone who looks like me, but I'm Al

while with doubt. "OK,

it. "The couch here is way more comfortable than that in the s

He hesitantly walked ou

y eyes to sleep but I couldn't. My mind

d dark brown hair, I had ebony hair. She was 5 '6' I was 5'9'. She was fleshy while I was slim. She had a thick, bold and loud voice while mine was calm and soft. She

my bed, and thinking deeply when

bedside lamp and sa

e next statement he said blew up my imaginations. "I saw you

was what I was wearing? Where you in th

e it wasn't raining du

the night. Then how did yo

Hillary...and from the connecti

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