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My Werewolf Heartbeat

Chapter 2 One

Word Count: 2052    |    Released on: 09/09/2021


ou Hil

ack of my palm, took in a deep breath

eyes and long curly blonde hair. She was obviously my age, but she look

didn't help her feel comfortable. "I'm sorry for botheri

e...and yes, I'm Hilla

g I can't handle." She said

Ignore my face. So,

e the person ho

the house. It wasn't my idea but that of my so-called friends, Janette and Clarissa. They persuaded me in setting up a house party and I had stupidly agreed. Though it wasn'

little problem." T

t was obvious that the pr

ned?" I aske

I'll have to take full responsibility for it. My stepfather, Steve Harrow would finally see a perfect reason to murder me. My mum would be totally disappointed and

ter you see for yo

haywire. Something terr

dark woods. I had not gone too far into t

ed with empty alcohol drinks and s

rough the jam-packed d

hol and cigarette fi

sure that I wouldn't make it through the living room without c

she grabbed my hand and led me throu

om, and she guided me

o vomit the stench of alcoh

curse words when I noticed her laughing. "

er. "You didn't even drink alcohol, yet you vomited your full guts ou

ybe, I was annoyed because she looked really pretty and classy, just like my fake friends Clarissa and Janette and all the ot

; 'The prettier and more dressed they are, the hi

them. She said that she wanted to see if they'll like me or if I'll be interested in talking to them at all. She had suggested Janette and Clarissa,since they were the only two girls from my school who attended the old town church. E

nd stupid to her. To her it was the perfe

tred for them. Now they were in my house, drinking, smoking, laughing, kissing, and doing other crazy things tha

different from the rest. By the way, she looked just like them, even better dresse

ator-like look which the other girls had whenever they saw me. She had a look of care on her face, like she really cared on how I was feeling. But, I cleared that out of

ing blue eyes fixed on me. I cleared my throa

sure you'

do yo

" She said already feel

rents room. I felt like jumping out of my s

ood by the door frame with my mouth agape and

all over, on the bed and on the chairs in the room. Apart from some fallen pictures and the rumpled bed s

he guys were sniffing from. Clarrisa was laughing hysterically and on her nose w

wdered substance was some kind of hard

n and said to the rest, "Is there any of the good stuff remaining

ome right over, baby. The party just began. By the way, your house is lovely. You

hat a mansion like this would be built

med with fury. I stormed towards them and an

e looked at me with her eyes burning with anger, but I wasn't

with my eyes flaring li

to beat us or kick us out? Don't you wanna be friends with us? Remember Hillary that we be

futile. They got to me again, but this time I didn't cry or ru

ere about walking out but Janette stopped them. "Fee

t seems like mommy is way mo

her face with my clenched fist, and that was what i was a

o face with Janette. From the look on Janette's

. "If she wants you to leave her house, I'll

re you?" Cla

our stupidity out of you. I call i

e tomorrow I bet she'll figure out that you're nothing but a dumb, stupid and worthless loser who has not

so did the rest. I collapsed on

me. "Are they alw

er but immediately looked away when I saw h

r wh

earlier, standing

"I hate when people try to bully o

now had her eyes on the floor. "I d

eyes met mine, I tried looking a

fident and strong t

u're right, I've never really been bullied bu

subject so I changed it. "Damn! I really have to g

ht. Let me help."

ou, you'r

me, I'

ool too." I stood up and b

turned around and was startled by a tattoo which was at he

like a weird tattoo of a big

around. "What the hell are

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