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My Werewolf Heartbeat

Chapter 4 Three

Word Count: 2232    |    Released on: 09/09/2021

n for some seconds and then

!" He said coc

n. Several horrible memories came back to my mind. Memories of the times I've been tortu

d the room began to swirl around. I felt lost and alone for a while before

I regained my sight, only to find

ntil I was resting on the

she pointed the gun at me. "Answer the go

shoot! Don't s

know better by now. I don't care if you die or not, se

ew she really meant it, so I did what was best fo

way and yelled; "Why did it take you s

I was just...frightened, y

force that gave me an immediate headache. "If I find

he ground. She suddenly began to cry and yell ou

mum cried. "She hates me j

. She cried louder and louder and accuse

ve spat out. "Get out of our sig

al stairs. I stared from up until Steve's wicked eyes c

ed myself with a soft bla

r I heard the first cock crow by 5:45a.m, I decided to give s

madly. To my surprise it was 11:32a.m, and my alarm had been b

inutes I was out. I got into one of my large Cinderella ball gowns whic

s, I couldn't recall the last time I had looked at myself in the mirror—it was uncalled for.

re. I went outside to check the patio, but they still weren't there. I returned back inside and

niff of that person. The last time I had told Steve and my mum, I had regretted it as they took offense in it and banished me

ral steps and into the kitchen. Da

g to eat, I noticed a small paper pasted on the fr

d up and out of my mind which led to me saying a lot of things

away for two weeks. We wish you the best and we pray that God bless

d know that mu

other. All my life I had known nothing but hatred and insanity from my two guardians. The only person who I had lov

r. Somehow I knew she wasn't dead, it was either she had escaped from this hellhole, leaving me behind to rot, or she had be

ugh I still cried occasionally but it wasn't as tedious as it once was but it was s

eeks sweetened my heart. I opened the fridge and picked as many junk food as I coul

en drove out in one of my dad trucks—he had quite a number—to the supermarket

he alarm blared. I brushed and got into the cold shower. I enjoyed how the cold water s

gy straight jean with a pale white top with no design on it. I picked up my backpack from my room and went to the

I wanted to enjoy the beautiful morning. I wanted to feel the mild morning sun on my skin and also f

ould have gotten there with the truck in 25 mi

of school went well. Th

one of the benches and i watched the morning beds

nd frantically cleared

her." Janet

a really good day before she and Claris

me. Most of the students were laughing and taking pictures of me, they were probably goin

face, I glared at Janette and C

ur bestie, I wanted to knock you out of your daydream. What

, making me feel like an idiot. "I h

what?" Jan

nd, I just stood

ir. "You have such nice hair, Hillary. Why do yo

d the ground could open and swal

edly. "Hold on, how are

hair and pulled it roughly, making

's truly your hair. Do you think it's pretty, Hi

ext sunday, she could leave it loose and put on some of her p

out, giving them more encoura

lly held me down. "But the issue is....I think your hair is too pretty for a loser like you." She looked at Janette and whispered to her, and to my surprise, Janette bro

but that came out futile and left me with som

I heard a loud thud and screams following it. I opened my e

ding her face, the rest were faraway and were

onde girl I had seen in

other choice than to grab it. She pulle

r as I clung onto her. Apart from the fact that she had saved me again fro

her's arms and she graced me with a

came just

ce became tamed. "I really

I asked c

at I said on Fri

eath threat. "It's okay. I


inking my eyes more times tha

e won't be in that situation where I

lly meant what she had said. Oh my! What

about what you saw, then we will be cool...we could

friends." I smi

really have to go back home...I only came to register my...you

swaying beautifully. Then I remember


hroat. "I never

'm A

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