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My Werewolf Heartbeat

Chapter 3 Two

Word Count: 2134    |    Released on: 09/09/2021

ed. Her eyes didn't spark with friendliness anymore, rather they looked hard an

me looking at her tattoo. A tatoo which I t

hat I do to humans who dare lie to me." She took a step closer to me and I sim

did she mean by that? If she isn't human, then what is she, some kind of Godzilla? What

appily let out the cat. "We

t. "That's right shut up, Hillary. Now listen carefully,

rantically. "Yes, I swea

the door. She stopped at the door and turned around. "Hillary, if y

hing she said before she

we could have been friends, but again my mother's rule proved correct. The more

ed to kill me, the only people who have ever

world dark. I was so interested with watching the light of the sun give in to darkness. I hated watching the sun set but i was still interested in watching it. I h

nders, until I felt the creepy feeling of darkness around me. The

lusions. My mind was still pondering on nature when I heard the landline phone ring loudly. I hurried out of the room an

hey were close, and that she hoped I had made dinner because both she and Steve were starving. It was then it ca

new that I'll be dead in less than an h

at least. In our family, dinner, breakfast and lunch had no

me anywhere so I took in several deep b

f the house, so I hurried outside. As I opened the front door, I was pushed back

trash outside, and lucky enough, most of the alcohols were

like it was in the woods close to my house. I attempted running back into the house but I slipped on the wet grass, instantly dis

e back quickly, at least if they were around they could get the guns

't around the one and only time I needed the

der, until I saw something incredible before my eyes.

he woods? I had grown up there my whole

, so many times, I had experienced this moment before but I just couldn't remember. I was in this same stupid blue jacket and black pants and I had broken my knee

ay from me, it's legs poundin

breathing on me. Both I and the wolf stayed like that fo

elf without me thinking about it and

ter but not hurtful to our eyes. I lost vision of everything except myself and the glowing wolf. Then, the light became brighter and brighter

lights were beaming on me. It was still rai

eve. He stood right above me and watched me on the ground for a while before he said with his c

llar of my jacket and violently raised

was too strong for me. I finally gave in to tears, and cri

story to tell me, if not, you're toast." He rele

rass. She had some new bruises on her face and no one needed


er your explanatio

Although I didn't know who my real father was, i always imagined him as s

I have some good news

ered on how she could still manage to smile despite the

ed demented person who had a crazy view of life, that was one reason why i never pi

the dinning with a bottle of rum in his hand. My mum dragged me to

deadly look with his eyes glaring.

..my room to shut the windows because of the rain. As I was shutting it, my wrist watch got hooked by the w

w does that explain why you were sleep

rt of the truth. Because if he found out about the party, I'm was sure that I wouldn't see another sunrise. "While I was still search

ched out to my left knee and to my surprise there was no dislocation or pain. I

my mum then back to me.

?" My mum said with

their faces was strik

ed?" They both as


see you and leave you alone." Steve asked wi

out, and the next thing I sa

ich held many of our pictures then he angrily wiped them off the table. "Impossible, this

aking and mumblin

, what's


again but still got no response

up!" She yelled. "You

of what? Is

ns, you ask way too many questions, Hill. Questions which I'

, why were they behav

e the one who called them, y

, i knew i couldn't tell them about what happened between the wolf and i, the strong connecti

f or was it a pack?" My mum a


it?" Steve said from the stair c

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