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Leaving the Friendzone

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 2127    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

a Se

keyboard, would be an understatement. As if his physique and facial features weren't mesmerizing enough, his voice when both singing and just speaking decided to be j

e time I sat by, watching him play and how he listened to every correction I gave patiently, laughing even at some of his mistakes. I did wai

early that it could be that way again tomorrow. That we could meet aga

staring at each other, me unable to believe that I had this incredibly good-looking guy talking with me casually as if he'd known me forever. I remembered the wa

et Karen pick out my school wear again tomorrow, and do my makeup as well since apparently, she was right. If taki

in, someone to whoop for me and encourage me when I feel down about myself and think I'm not fit enough for KJ. I

ck in sophomore year. It wasn't easy, and I would remain forever gra

interested in him too, therefore I needed to have someone by my side whenever I wa

ask him about it tomorrow and he

ed—about KJ. I didn't have music tomorrow nor History, so the chances of us talking were very slim. Unless I approached him at the cafeteria. Or he did. E

at if KJ didn't want to talk to me though? What if he loses vibes too like Jackson had after his dad

't walking on a tig

one which I've been making to change but never really gotten around to—Let Me

ould be. I rarely got calls. Aside from my family members and Matthews, I could get no more t

I realize I was yet to answer it. By the time I got

asn't going to call the number back, that was for sure.

of my dresser once again, it began ri

ed up my phone and swiped up to answer the cal

or a moment before a vo

masculine, that one I could make ou

you?" I asked w

KJ," the v

ubling back, I put a hand to my mouth to stop myself fr

, dropping my ha

's good?" He asked.

alking back to my bed and sitting down,

at too,"

st," I commented. "Your voice ki

ss it does. Although you're the

ing." I tried to correct myself. "It sound

in Nigeria has said the same

nd me asking, are all your family members here

My dad's here too, my mom, my grandma, my kid sister. Only m

ndma?" I

replied. "M

grandma stays in Nigeria

aunt, she's here too. My grandma's

e I was wonde



w, "what are

g at the moment. Just lying in my bed. I mean, I've already done a

homework part," he said. "Just s

ouched my chest, my hear

bout our time today in m

g like it was on fire. "I enjoyed


firmed. "It was beau

said. "I gu

after high school?" I decided t

get you out of my head huh. Even went as far as getting your n

, I felt an odd feeling wash over me. One that

swallowed, unsur

told me. "What do you say we hang out tomor

ky as I said, "O-okay

ing nice too, short, so I can see you

sudden feeling of warmt

ed, "if that's

I thought he'd cut the call because I could hear no o

e, a sudden outburst of laughter followed. A f

nfusion as the laughter continued to ring out. Was K

voice I knew all too well came


thoughts, my brain unable to

hy in the world would KJ call you? A los

peaking with KJ a second ago and no

d to listen, now I have our entire call recorded. That wasn't KJ.

, my brain already putti

I'd simply used a voice changer and you fell for it all the way. How could you ev

disgusting. You're not worth anyone's time. I don't even know why Matthews hangs around you. He could've been so much more without y

e a fool out of myself in front of Anabel. No wonder she had made a mistake wi

be interested in you. I mean have you seen yourself in the mirror. Do you even notice the difference, the wide gap between KJ and you? There's something called level, Elena love, just so you know. If you weren't aware t

oment, the li

just happened. And when reality finally dawned, I took in a sharp breath as te

d I jus

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