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Leaving the Friendzone

Chapter 8 9

Word Count: 1784    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

a Se

thing made me happy this morning. I sat in front of my mirror, all dressed in my hoodie and baggy jeans. I was so done wearing th

nsed my family's presence in the living room, all getting excited about how I was gonna look

t a tomboy or anything. I just hated being in the spotlight since it was my skin color that

ay much since I owed no one an explanation for going back to my previous clothing. I reached out for my bag sitting

ng a walk but the consequences that might come with it may be unbearable. It could cost m

ike a record on repeat. It pierced deep into my chest. Not like I cared when she teased me with her silly pranks but this time, her words were sharpe

varieties of bikes in different sizes and colors. It was like a world on its own. I walked onto the schoo

ar from me. I was pretty sure this dress made me

e a being tapped me on my back. "Are you ignori

wered calmly. Somethi

's wr

t a call from an unknown number and when I picked I sounded like KJ and I got all dreamy a

heck!" He knew w

leases? She doesn't run this school and she will never. She's gonna get the piece o

from the school's main door. I guessed she was just getting to school. From anger, it turned to

ty class I could run into. My confidence dropped to zero and I knew I won't be able to tell Anabel in the eye that s

what just happened. He saw me sitting on the floor with

y, more like a giggle with his face all

uldn't tell her how I felt a

gidly. He opened the door wide expectin

t!" I r


on't! Maybe I was bluffing," Maybe I wa

ed called

say. Nothing seem

rattles me. I j

h my legs folded into each other. "By the way, I love your outfit. It brings out your eyes."

ched up. "Don't try to change the subject," he frow

u won't get 'rattled'," I said closing the door to his face. He w

at you love yourself and what you looked like and there was nothing they could do about it. That's my wish for you. I just hope I'm there t

ll sitting on the floor. My way of

realized that he had already left. I couldn't help it and now I felt bad. He was being honest about me l

And when I did, I got on my feet to open the door slightly. I looked at both sides of the corridor, checking if she

who it was. The one person I wasn't ready to meet today at

ight?" He had to ask. I shook my head to the left and right, laughing so nervously be

ere, leaving him wondering what could be going on in my mind. At that momen


ng about all possible things coming to my head. My parents were already worried and tried talking to

hard to accept his words which were the truth and nothing more. He was right and it needed to sink in. I recalled the times in middle school when I was bullie

r myself. I never appreciated myself. I'd cover myself with my dress so as not to be noticed

remembered the last time I received a call from an unknown number. It was a prank call. I

hile I picked up the phone. With

was Anabel playing an

ime I see you, I'm going to take my nails and shove them in your eyes. Do you understand me? I don't car

. It finally dawn on me when I realized it was truly KJ. I couldn'

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