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Leaving the Friendzone

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 2151    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

a Se

ted when I heard the bell, not because I was free from

placed behind my books on the desk, I picked it up to use its camera as my mirror. Looking thro

eyes wanted to see something else. The queue at the waiting table was quite long. T

t on moving slowly like I was stuck in some kind of human traffic. Some tried to cut through the li

be served. The chef had me a plate of rice, a bottle of water with an apple. A perf

able. Before he eventually got to me, I set up my tray, stood up my

He said again, hitting my t

," I had to let him know. He caused enou

a guy. He sat beside me, unstrapping his bag from his shoulder to get his snack from within.

nds. I could picture his walk perfectly, it felt like he was in slow motion. His head was set up high and he looked

nge in dressing sense, he didn't even pause to look at me at least. I

cold," He got me to look away from what distracted me fro

was sitting in the corner alone by his table. He seemed like he felt left out a

a smile back even though he wasn't looking. Matthews decided to be annoye

t be kid

ow lonely he is. He needs friends and it w

right hand around the room. "Look at how everyone is stari

picked up my tray with me. Just as I was about to take my first move, the bitch

people noticed and decided to turn to their businesses. She adjusted her blouse, sighed, and smiled in a particular direction. It was KJ. She walke

d. No one told me twice before I decided to sit down back. My tray hit the table so hard, that my meal go

t attractive," Matthew said

ouldn't just get worst. But I finally did it. I finally got KJ to smile at me. While he talked

oom, telling everyone that I finally got someone to notice me. Matthews looked at my face getting all red. He sho


to KJ in class like they had a thing together. She acted all touchy towards him, passing all so

f the day. It was more of a revision. He wanted all of us to prac

red that I always focused on the piano in any event we attended. Sometimes I could go lost

ed and got better a little bit with the help of Matthews. He doesn't play the piano but the guitar instead. Anytime he came visit

Aaron said as he ended the class. Everyone packed their books

Matthews approached me while the class ended. He noticed I was a bit shaky in class with my

owed others through the door as we all planned to go home. Matthews tallied along

me weight. I turned back to get it from the class but I paused at the entrance when I heard something

l was all over him, trying to get him to try out the saxophone she played. The sound becam

t all. He stopped immediately as he saw me. I could tell he didn't want anyo

s given free right at that spot. I had no idea of what I was about to do. I wal

ed. My voice sounded a bit shaky since I w

erfectly but it's not working

haven't spent barely a week, things might seem quite challenging for y

smile back. My face turned a little red but I could control my reaction eve

racing heart. I knew I was overwhelme

I transpired to singing. I sang the song with my emotions. I began to picture KJ and I, sitting in the park

I could hear KJ trying to sing along with me, parting the song where it needed harmony.

I resisted the urge to look at him. His eyes looke

view. I smiled anxiously. He came closer to me, bringing our fac

ur attention to what we were in the room to do. Anabel walked

with a fake smile all over her face. I could tell she was lying as

side. He arranged his books in his bag and waved, saying goodbye. I wav

doing?" Anabel folded her ar

bout?" I was looking un

sted her mouth a little bit, still lo


science that you two

id, came out clear. I

rom him!" Sh

not," my sarca

med her feet out of the room and closed the door hard. But for that moment

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