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Leaving the Friendzone

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 2072    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

a Se

ter, my mind blank. And then I t

"I don't get to do what?" Did I

turned away from me to drop her

," I said, upset with what she'd said. "I'm eighteen now,

d look on her face. "I didn't .

know what you meant. I came to you because I needed your help, no

she spoke, "Sorry, if you took it that way. Look all I'

get him attracted to me if I didn't know, woul

, are you ready to change everything about you, Ellie? Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone, do things you neve

down at my socked feet. "Do I have to do much

om Karen made me ra

for?" I yelle

o her mouth, apparently trying and failing

n." I glar

d percent frank, then you're not okay. You're

rong with me?

nothing. You're beautiful just the way you are, but if you want to get this KJ

t?" I loo

he shot up from the bed and stood before me, her

ped. "What is wrong w

l day every day isn't exactly go


w it's sensitive, but he

"I don't k

e she's a jealous one, obviously. I mean b

confidence. Looking up at her

a hand casually. "

e gowns, more color, less or no hoodies if you can help it, a

this down?" I

said. "It's p

is," she resumed, "you

frowned. "What the he

s need a little bit of improvement. Try swaying

guess." I

ttle brighter. Put on lipstick, and mascara, conceal yo

. "Karen, I'm in hi

away. Either way, put on some makeup, even though it's l

al one, drumroll please, co


the bestest best", but the "I can stand up for myself because I deserve better" kind. Boys love when girls are confident in themselves. I mean, there are moments

ranks the most importan

does. How you dress speaks a lot

." I

east two more weeks, I'm going to groom you until

and on my chest. "Y

She chuckle

d, standing up from the bed

d. "But before we get too carried aw

ped back from her wi

"The rush, the elation that you've finally met your dream guy. I can

ou feel even the tiniest bit of discomfort, you have to stop. If you feel you're forcing yourself to love these th

s there something yo

And I did things I never thought I would. Stepping out of my safe space just for him would do a

why I need you to be careful. Don't let anyone deceive you into doing what their narcissisti

ments after she was

me an amu

advice. And I wish you'd told me sooner about

ed. "I already did that and besides,

epare for school. Karen woke me up, apparently more hyped than

e inches above my knees from my closet. Honestly, when she pulled the cloth out I was sur

ed the moment I saw it. "It's so

at we talked about last night? Don't

led. "I'm not.

nd it did look cute when I looked at myself in the mirror. Plus the boots Karen gave me, which were black and had heels, made my le

ced their light blue color, and drawing a winged eyeliner. Then she proceeded

n entirely different me. A whole new individual.

en she finished preparing for work on time, commenting on ho

squealed as I was leaving

es what you did and now has their focus on you, watching you and judging or admiring you in their mind? Well, I w

just my im

walking over to my locker when I remembered what Karen had s

om the straps of my bookbag, and squared my shoulders befor

because as I walked by I caught a couple o

g unlocked it. Burying my face in my locker, I felt like I could finally breathe. I l

ad heads turning and people keep

at are you doing at

at the voice, e

and hugged him, never h

epped back from him. "I-I didn't realize

me anyway.

en more amazing," he com

it for me,"

mured. "It's

I did a twirl.

?" He asked, a confused expre

, not knowing wha

bout KJ?" He raised an ey

ence answered

kidding me,"


these just to get him to

e differen

d your straight hair? W

ing about, Matt?"

turned down. "This isn't the Elena

rned away from m

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