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Leaving the Friendzone

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 2574    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

a Se

Elena come downsta

she just had to ruin it. Before I heard my name loudly, I was caught up on searching

, dancing to the sound of your heartbeat which makes your stomach tickle a bit. That joy your mind

when we were appointed as partners for a school presentation. He was charming and so supportive. At that moment, every

t, leaving his dad dead with him and his mom alive with slight injuries. He was absent from sch

n his shoes, I'd have probably loosed my mind. The thought of him being absent affected my presentation. My focus was

n enemy or a friend. She was just a figurehead I had to deal with at that point in time. Not to be a hate

had to be as direct as possible. Anabel, being the queen thought she was trying to overshadow the hard wor

we were asked to present. Every teenager in the hall was well aware of social media and its doings. The majority of us had phones and we al

e had a plan B. Finally for me to continue from where she stopped after the positive impacts were stated, I was cut off by the same person who made the whole pl

wn precisely. He moved to Gavle in Sweden where his dad was from. They had nothing left to

g room. She just got back a few hours ago and she was already

e tone used to call my attention. I hurried downstair

he dining table waiting to be served. Gone were the days when she'd stand up and bring the food from

greeted my dad who sat oppos

er out?" Dad asked. This used to be Karen's job but

So much for entering college," I rolled my

upport the rubbish she's saying?" Karen is all defensiv

onversation. We both murmured and continued our businesses. We don't always fight all the time I'v

sted of the meal we were going to have for dinner. I stood up quie

ghed loudly, passing the syndrome to my dad. He practically laug

got messed up a bit. "I guess I have to change my mind." She turned back to the

," I was defensive as I added. I

I stole a lump of meat from their meal. I mellowed my head

going to have rice with beef stew and a glass of juice. I pr

. Yeah, since I was the last born. I took my glass of juice first. My apple

pace attached to it, it showe

tasty," Karen

n and chuckled. I didn't mean to sound offensive but we all got into each other

were kids, which we are now, we always played pretense queen. She would be

my mom's gown out of her closet and put it on to wear. When walking, she would carry her dr

the school board, a lot of treatment, and her favorite dressings. All hopes were on her to win fair and square and she did. Everyone

te their daughter's win. They prepared a big feast and invited neighbors around. I sat there in th

p at last. She carried her meal in one hand and her glass in another, wa

ve again. I wished I never told her about the worst bullying scenario I had in eighth grade because sh

as I picked up my fork and knife to slice

restriction," Dad also added. These two were like five and six.

ence it like before but I needed to tell them what they wanted to hear. I could take a br

tion followed. Another night to be interrogated. I

eady. I knew they cared but hello! A girl never op

except Matthews. Or are you guys dating?" Mom dropped her cutlery a

's code." I just had to make something up. They got the message and decided to quit the questions asked.

text him at least but I forgot to collect his contacts. My stomach began to tickle, couldn't tell if I wa

my presence in her room. With a little bit of confidence, I faste

ind the door when I knocked. She

I want to talk

back on my diet," she replied with h

e door clicked open after my last plead. I walked in watching

bed. "Don't come. Stay there, baby girl. Still mad at you," She put her palm in my face askin

eling embarrassed. I placed my head on the reading t

ng for this my entire life and I never thought I would but now it's finally here,"

g for what?" I look

words got high-pitched. "The day you finally embrace yourself as a woman and also,"

not?" I was close to taking i

of you. Extremely,' She gav

hard to say. "He's the international student fro

ouldn't tell if she was mad or ha

ain. In my thought, it looked like sh

international s

ood!" She sou


e reconfirmed her statement.

rls begin to circle him like flies on poop, and so on. I also fell in love with an in

t. We never talked about any

ically everything but it was war. Girls wanted him. They wanted to be with him

, then sh

y. Are you ready to go all the way?" She asked walking closer to me with her

g about," I became tensed and nervous

ust answered y

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