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Mated To The Alphas

Chapter 5 I'm Not A Pervert

Word Count: 1737    |    Released on: 17/05/2024

of her, getting closer and using a gentle yet eerie tone. "You've captured me

ngela nervously shifted to the side, bl

he reassured, "Don't worry, I'll wait for

speaking, Conrad

r, considering her injuries and deciding not to confront him now. So, sh

cohol and ointment in his hand, a strong smell pierc

medicines prescribed by our tribe's shaman, t

onrad hesitated befor

unds. Seeing her body tremble slightly, Conrad became more careful with his actions

and for a moment, her impression of this primitive beast person changed

d applying the medicine a

mate. Angela took the opportunity to ask, "What does th

taken aback by h

e, thinking back to Angela's originally beautiful appearance. He could understand why she was well protecte

le beast? That's why she was rai

on. Regardless of her past as an Orc, since he h

bbed her hand and placed it o

asculinity for male beasts, besides presenting to the female he likes, it shouldn't be casually shown to female beasts, and female Or

xplanation, Angela felt like

erer and awkwardly responded, "So that's how it is, but I really didn't know

ed the switch, only to find that the

off, but Conrad caught her hand as

ce slightly cold. "No way! If you don't understand, I can explain it to you. But now that

k?" Angela slowly pulled her hand back

ven if we don't become mates, there will still be females who li

er, his voice stern. "If I'm so g

question, Angela was m

e person, isn't he? Ho

plicated emotion, just like..." Angela didn't know how to explain to him. If she wa

how much longer

d, standing up. "I'm yours, and if you do

threat, Angela's

ated and said, "But you're a

, you won't

s head high and

of the cave. "I'm going to crush the

gela watched him fly out of the cave

mind, "Meteor, why can't I remove

, there are only seven information gatherers left, and the switch mechanism is faulty, which won't function properly. If forcefully r

gela exclaimed, jumping up from her nest. Hearing th

e a mess of shelves and items stacked together in the endless darkness,

even left, how are we supposed to comp

's still a flying ship in your space that can collect pass

gela was getting frustrated. She then

rb scraps and said, "Eat t

?" Angela frowned, it hadn't even

ast in others..." Conrad grumbled

not in a good mood now and di

remark. Seeing that she was still angry with him, he became even more unhappy,

n gathering ring around Conrad's neck, and finally gazed at his extremely ha

e being careless, wrapping the information gathering ring around

ely set aside the meat in his hands, anxiously took her hand, and apologized, "I was

ce, Conrad sounded li

slightly lowered. Angela was about to pull back her hand,

he had no resistance to thi

lder. "I wasn't mad at you. I just... my hand

olden eyes shot u

next moment, he gently scratched th

eople being hunters, his skin shouldn't have been this fair. It might be due to their tribe's g

la quickly averted her gaze, muttering in he

r hand, awkwardly saying, "

needed to "take

ariously colored things, with some herbs she didn't recognize, she couldn't bring hers

efore, and I've eaten this. This taste of medicine was als

ce, gritted her teeth and

and Conrad quickly offered wa

ked at the water in a hollowed-out animal bon

d resources in the environment meant getting pre-made herbal remedie

ter here, despite her tough training where she consumed everything. This was the Orc world after a

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