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Mated To The Alphas

Chapter 2 I'm Yours

Word Count: 1758    |    Released on: 17/05/2024

was too evident, and the biting cold

ely felt danger! She h

is chest. Seeing that he hadn't even passed out from such a large dose, a

ain and tentatively

ion, Conrad followed her gaze to his chest, and pulled ou

said happily, adding, "I'm not hurt. I'm a seventh-l

inuously from his chest, and the visible speed at w

The lines of his entire body were extremely aesthetic. His legs under the short feather skirt were straight and strong, hi

uries, she probably

o she cleverly changed her tactics, she put away her long rif

s cold, but her action

felt restless. He took two steps and c

opened her arms,

ed. His cheeks flushed, his body burning hot, and

more tranquilizer needles in her hand, injecting them straight into his body. She

la's expressio

meters, his hands around her waist, looking down at her with

clear eyes, her mou

If you like scratching me, you can scratch me however you want. Anyway,

couldn't find the words, feeling

t all?" She tried to calm her ra

ng his entire body against hers, leaning down to whisp

a chill ran from Angela's feet to her head. She immediately push

e was extremely unsettled now, even cons

me even more intense. His hot breath was intense, and he

ot! Your body is

g was useless, so she raised the butt of the gun, intending to knock him out. However, she

ed voice came, and he raised his sticky palms to find th

d tore at her clothes, saying

before. The area was already filled with the smell of blood, and combined with Angela's red fur coat, he h

her red windbreaker and quickly slapped his hand away, retrea

h. He stepped forward and lifted her, coaxing gently, "Okay, I won't touch your

he stared at him in horror, refusing hastily. But despite he

ps, Conrad gazing at her with his deep golden eyes. After the kiss, he

ng for her collar, immediately quieting down. But her left hand qu

of eyes br

e was as war

was guarded an

w the man's body swaying, and three seconds later, the force holdi

ell heavily, and Angela landed

d the handsome face of the man in front of her. Seeing that he didn't re

Angela might not be so ruthless to a handsome man, but now, in an

e with her long rifle, movin

e sky, and the warm su

I know you're still there. You better explain what's going on

ard Angela's cold warn

air progress 1%; current deployment continent: unknown (matched with the world of beast-men by 90%); language fusion

port overwh

asked, "Why couldn't

nnot withstand it. If you forcefully use your superpower, you may face two results: one, you explode a

or's explanation, Angel

d there might be a reason for it. So she didn't forcefully break through th

power here? When will the time machine be repaired?" After

nd, "Beep beep! Energy is insufficient, and th

You better rec

st of wind rushed toward her back, and she quickly shot out the flexible wire from her wristband, anchoring it into a nearby big tree. Ju

n the animal book, staring at her ferociously. After m


dy left on her back, and blood slowly dripped out. She saw the bea

had to ensure her own survival first! Judgi

eady had enough injuries on her body, so she h

air and clothes, and snowflakes fell on her thick eyelashes. Her eyes were like the endless deep s

ee trunks in the forest and quickly approached the area. She saw a flat land ahead with no trees, and there was a semi-fro

gh gritted teeth. She was really unlucky. She spat ou

raised her head,

walking towards her. They were wearing short feather skirts, and several of them were carrying

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