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Mated To The Alphas

Chapter 3 I Will Be Her Mate

Word Count: 1505    |    Released on: 17/05/2024

beasts? If he delays me from bringing food to the females, I'll be a

the surroundings and said, "It's spring, and the number of roaming g

of age. He should fin

he tribe. But it won’t be long be

s from different tribes will come

itely stock up on foo

t owl soared above their heads and circled a few times before swooping down and transforming

transform into human form, she felt as if a black line was sliding down her forehead. She couldn't help but slow her

, downright

s companions when his voice abruptly stopped. He sniffed the a

ollowed suit, his dissatisfac

, Angela's heart skipped a beat in t

ll turned toward her direction. Adonis m

hock, dropping the prey he was carrying on hi

ctacle unfold, seeing a group of half-naked handsome men running towar

k a step, she ran into

r and pleasant voice sounded above her head, "Little female, don

orest. Come back with me, and I'll protect you!" Conrad leaned his head on Angela's shoulder

rom him, barely managing to create a few inches of distance between the

after seeing her current appear

e, the beast-men from the direction of

shock, their excitement and ant

up, "Conrad, what's going o

this little female come from

alone in t

two know e

ribe is

wishing they could all get close to Angela, but Conrad held her tightly

r, his eyes warning of his sovereignty, "I found her in the forest. I

! Our tribe has another

est, you don't have the final say o

nrad revealed his claws, emitting a stro

shed Conrad away and said, "I told

, who had just been at odds, all rushed towards her, su

ugh their words, all staring

a while, until Angela grew impati

e finally broke the silence, "She... h

and features sunken into a face full of blisters. Disdain involuntarily flash

ere equally puzzled. The previous enthusiasm and exci

such an ugly femal

his female..." Hogan hesit

er hands to look, and sure enough, found them swollen and black. Her gaze swept over the ground where she had just fallen, and she di

ressions need to

agged at the slightest touch, and she thought to

not only injured but also poisoned now. If you don't get tr

rowed her brows slightly and turned to

ere rogue beasts and super beasts, but also insects and giant beasts often appear. If yo

derstanding the various risks of the primitive world. She could even sense that along the way, not only had she accidentally

th the wind, and Conrad

ouldn't help but show expression

t of thought, Angela st

bowed down in unison, clenched their fists against their chests

omineering, they would never lea

nd when she met Conrad's eyes again, she

of females here seemed unusual. And now, if she didn't g

and the passing time, Angela reached out

iately smiled and took her hand, saying, "Let's

the same time, quickly transformed in

ed for a moment, but the next second, she imme

ey flying into the sky. They followed Conrad closely i

ooked the entire scene below,

ring into the sky; never seen such vast and boundless plains; never seen the glacier winding dow

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