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Mated To The Alphas

Chapter 4 We're Home

Word Count: 1597    |    Released on: 17/05/2024

n the woods, and even witnessed a colossal reindeer with a dinosaur-like body

s of the beast-men hu

nt beast! It will feed ou

! Sei

pulled her gaze away. They had already taken her through the plain

Conrad had referred to

we're almost there!" Conrad felt her

arly saw him grab two large rodents from below the

more than three seconds a

yesight, but the speed of

isted on walking away, Conrad would gr

mazing!" Angela blu

ale, but unexpectedly, she praised his hunting skills. Instantly blushing, he let out a hawk cry,

. When translated into Angela's ears, i

confused, "... " What

ergy has been restored. System rebooted. Integration with the Orc

words?" Angela, turned her attention back from the dista

nly the language of the Orcs can be integrated, ensuring you understand the words of the Orcs, and they can understand you. Additionally, due to the m

ll silent for j

e going? When can we leave?" Angela had no intention of staying i

esponded coldly, "Sorry, Miss A

nd the force with which she graspe

h her asked anxiously, "

gritted her teeth in he

imal information now as materials for repairing the time machine. The system has just compared the data collected through the information gatherer, and the data of the Orcs highly overlaps wit

gela," the voice of the system, col

la was about to un

utomatically entering sleep mode!" Meteor used an emergen

blood loss, making her feel like she could faint at any moment.

ze and realized they had flown over a rang

in snow rose like a gi

were dug out around the summit. As Conrad led her towards a cav

ssed the prey inside and transformed into h

er to the innermost part of the cave and gently laid her on a

atching the man with his chest exp

g into the cave, Angela looked

e passage covered with dried plants fashioned into a nest, neatly arranged. Only various animal sk

this primitive level, she was certain they didn't even know how to use tool

d arm, seeing her swollen hand resembling

e medical alcohol, anti-inflammatory cream, and bandages, then car

ed, Conrad had alread

stered and hurried. "Female, the shaman has been taken by the tribesmen

mething on herself. He witnessed the crisscrossing wounds on her body,

ed her, and said, "Female, you're

h you? It's my own doing

. Hurriedly opening it, she picked up a stalk to sniff and examine. After confirming what it was, she exclaimed, "Bloo

dy dried, indicating that their sh

ng grass back and continued

stonishment, and exclaimed, "Fema

me female every day." Angela int

re her name, a charming smile lifted his three-dimensional and deep face, his

medicine? I can't reach my

d nodded enthusiastically. "Of co

aling a sports bra with her body still

ments, Conrad was momentarily s

e the liquid to clean the wounds an

Angela explained, then p

nrad took it.

ue to his seated position, combined with his exposed chest being too close. Sh

, saying something surprising. "You're the female I like. I'm all yours. As

was speechles

ession and asked, "We just met

x finger, Conrad said, "But you said you like me, and

ng his head slightly, confidently displaying the informatio

d seen by the river earlier... They all se

in the Orc world doesn't imply an

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