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The Luna Lost Halo

Chapter 2 They are Twins

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 24/04/2024

say. Have you seen him? What does he look like? Is what they are saying true" Hazel did her

him alright,

rfectly sculpted body, with toned muscles and that accent, oh god, that accent that s

e blatantly ignored me all through yesterday's class, pretending w

rangers, technic

ng out with your irresponsible boyfriend" Beth, Hazel's second friend a

ses, nerd? What happened to your contact len

another yet, plus, Mark said I look good with the glasses on

ious and you both will satisfy my curiosity. Have yo

ould make your knee go weak and your legs open up to the north and south as you cry out Daddy. Very strict in t

nt. For whatever reason all she wants to t

, her cheeks stained red as some ad

d up being friends with

friend's twin sister," Hazel pointed out as the th

partment? I'm bored seeing Professor Vincent's face already, I need

adn't met, Hazel was lost in thought, her mind wandering to a certain br

a coinc

hinking t

so nervous and out of his wits transfe

dd up, it ju

ternet about him but came up with nothing. Her parents w

information whatsoever about him

suspicious! Her

she so attracted to him ju

of her head, despite the da


each other here again, how have you been?" Lorenzo, dressed in a black and gold tuxedo, with a black dress shirt and dress sh

Professor, after all, I wa

led several names, darling, but none of them was a profess

l or outside school, it's not like we are close anyway. Isn'

ep my eyes off you if we were in the same enclosed place for an hour, too long, thirty minutes. Fuck audienc

ing a whole lot of self-control on his

le cheeks, his lips ached to taste her, to feel her close, her b

ve a twin then you

pointed out "he looks too


a raised eyebrow, Hazel turned towards the direction he pointed at and saw another Lorenzo stari

ncess" The second Lorenzo said in his deep baritone voice sending

is is tr

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