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The Luna Lost Halo

The Luna Lost Halo


Chapter 1 first meeting

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 24/04/2024

om before glancing into the kitchen where her mother would

utside" she muttered helping herse

irs in search of her parents. She was about to climb the sta

ind? Where is Mom?... " she asked, opening

teps out the door as she noticed her parent's n

eyes meeting Hazel's onyx ones. His lips stretch into a warm


s flickered gold filled with several em

nd I were just completing a deal" he asked in his heavy Italian accent, sending butte

get closer to the handsome man but wa

uld need to get cleaned" her Mom argued nervously, e

towards the stranger "Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry I disrupted

, bringing out a pen from his jacket pocke


zel, let's not be strangers

oor toward her room, the atmosphe

ason why your pack moved all the way here fro

e man sitting in front of him. "Oh, I thought it was going to take some time but I found what I have been looking fo

Eric pr

Lorenzo Complimented adjusting his suit as he stood up to

zel is innocent, Eric say something, please, not my baby girl'' Amanda, Hazel's mother pleaded

call whether she gets involved or not, you see. Even if I don't want her to be, she already is" he

careful and watch their backs, I won't tolerate any form

loudly as her husband held her clo

sten?!" she screamed, hitting him on the chest after every word. "Now my daug

anda, Haz

old me she would be back and nothing would happe

d got what she wanted!" Feeling exasperated, Eric yelled at hi

hild, Eric! They were b

ear conditions and rules and she broke all of them! Do you know what that cost them? Lives, Amanda, Lives s

ts, she had been patiently waiting to see the handsome man from the stud

, but something about him also

ont of him? Why were they trying to p

ite not knowing what he did for a job, sometimes he'd even take her al

o stepped out of the house, before entering the car he looked towards her w

u soon

eeks as she jumped

aw it

that a medical condition?

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