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The Luna Lost Halo

Chapter 4 Not mine

Word Count: 1020    |    Released on: 25/04/2024

as she sashayed into their glass office with a huge pile of files

curvaceous breast, exposing more of her cleavage under her white button-u

s your beta and secretary okay?" she complained with a pout "I have to handle your office work and also the pack work. I don't even hav

ice monotonous and strict, mirroring his expression as he gave

ful of the two, was in a sore mood. She dared not look over to the other side where Leonardo's

wn and been assigned to be their secon

re were traces of it here in Norway after Ruby's disappearance but we couldn't find its specific location in time before i

ergy could just disappear so we asked for a repair and a service and then we

g close and we need to find it before then," he added

yes from the monitor and his Purple eyes stared ba

ear. Cold sweat trickled down her back in waves

to the re

t Dylan in cont

efore as she was busy s

er w

l alpha amongst all four of them.

xter hates any type and form of disrespect and disorderli

e as his stare got deepe

are dismissed Kaia" Dexter's deep voic

ed is here, where should it be h

l of paint. Now leave, your presence here is a hindrance to productivity

behind her, she walked away from the glass office to a corner wh

control? Hmph, whose fault was it that I haven't fed my succubus lately?" she h

to the coffee table where the files were plac

ust drive down to her house? Letting out your i

o her?" Dexter bites back angrily, g

ntinuing with the conversation "On the other hand, why do you think

hat. Have your trackers been able to locate Ruby? If we want my information abo

It was also around this time that "it" disappeared here in Norway. I think there is a connection between the two. I just can't pinpoint what it is. I've asked my men to keep lo

daughter is mated to both of us?" Leonardo suddenl

es to be mated to a single person. Do you


to it' he wanted to add but swallowed bac

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