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Mommy's Little Pup

Mommy's Little Pup


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 924    |    Released on: 20/03/2023



fter he saw, it was love from first sight. The woman had beautiful violet hair, matching grey eyes, s

lot of courting and love had to be done first. Being a slave requires one of the biggest kind of trust, you trust your maste

ll too magical, so romantic, I loved the story of their love, I wished to find someone who'd lov

lood, which makes her live forever too. They lived a very happy life, filled with love, father said he loves my mother s

s. Instead he got a submissive sperm donor, and had her medically impregnate. That's how she got me

hing, I got spoiled, I was loved by both my parents, even though some day

t classified, I don't want to be a slave like my mother, I d

really short, and small in size, my mother is average but I gu

told me to watch TV or read a book outside, that means they having some fun time and won't come out of their playro

love to play with it, I like to use colorful colours all over my fac

y life twice, once when I failed my math exam, and one time when I opened the pa

ified and I want to know what they do and what a scene would look like. Papa said I broke

ght colors, leaving a big mess, mom is very organized unli

oom opened and in came papa, what is he doing

ds seeing my full fa

smile, his eyes moved to mom's t

landing two painful slap to my sore bum, making me

rly for bed I haven't had dinner yet even, more tears came down my face, as

m," I say

o as you're told I'll give you a real punishment," he says, I just nod more tears goin

o my bed where I cried myself to sleep, around midnight mom came t

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