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Mommy's Little Pup

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 911    |    Released on: 20/03/2023



parent's friends, through the whole drive back home all I could think about is me being a mix

tting his attent

anted him to look at me, I poked his thigh over and over again

k him, I knew the answer but I wasn't su

of that academy, it's one of the most famous ones, it's

home?" I ask him, I don't want

s you and your lucky dom would come over to spend time with us," papa assures me,

o be worried about anymore, I'm going to end up with a nice dom, a nice daddy maybe? Or maybe

, but I keep on hoping, ign

ys getting hold of my shoulder, and pulling m

m with a smile, my bigge

you think it's essential, you'll be getting new everything, say your goodbyes and

id papa mean

she says brushing it off, I just nod believ

said I can't take it, soon I'll be wearing my dom's collar, which made me blush. I know mom wears different collars depending on the day and the mood, there'

you want me to put some make-up on?" s

" I ask her not wanting her to

to keep it simple, after all, you're only a

would I be?" I ask her,

se and pick," she answers me, not f

two pigtails, ballet flat for shoes, no heals for me, not ev

much with them, they are all much older than me and much much more dominant, and they kin

lding my hand tight now, I tried to hide my face in his

ed," papa says trying to get me to stan

long years, even for us vampires, it's hard to wait that long, what is s

g to get me off his side and to look at the person he's talking to, it's the lady from the

e's selling me off to a random dom? I felt betrayed, hurt, and in

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