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Mommy's Little Pup

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 946    |    Released on: 20/03/2023



I whined and groaned at being awakened, I don't wanna g

, I definitely didn't want another spanking, nor any love taps,

t ready for the day, I wasn't very happy about it, I got dressed in my school uniform adding my necklace. It says I

I'm off hands. I finished getting ready and walked down the stairs, seeing papa dressed for the day in his typical suit, and mom in her tight pencil

ully, he's not mad at me, he's never mad after he scolds or discip

ers, he didn't have to say it twice, I'm

ungry, she cleaned my face and kissed my nose sending me off to school. A personal driver takes me to and back from

them both receiving a hug from mo

lmost sixteen, and I'm a bit too worried about what to come, I

y politely, Peter works for my pa

ess, are you excited about

olite, he'd tell papa if I do a

cared?" He says that's

rying not to show hi

and your papa would help you to find the perfect dom for you," he assures me, I just nod, he's r

hate the school, some are mean to me just because I belong to a vampire while others are like me. I walked into my first class and sat down

he's my number one bully, he's a

m with a growl, I don't like

n't it? My little slave, just like you

have blond hair, bluest eyes ever, she's as tall as daddy, her gaze went through the class until her

tion," she says, getting all of our attention, she said

to submissives won't be possible until after you start learning more about yourself and your classification before you are even allowed near the submissives, so it better not get to

he Submissive Academy, the most two famous ones in our district. When she was done, we were finally allowed to leave, her eyes

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