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Tempest Awakening

Chapter 9 The Chase 04

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 10/06/2022

okes erupted from it broken parts ascending into

p. Observing the ship, scanning for any surviving members. It confirmed they were still

wounds. He fell on his knee, coughing he wasn't but alive he was. Barbie[White C

Purgatory was the size of an hulk buster armor so it was obvious he was big e

? I will take

let at the armored lady. On sighting the incoming fist; she went up and punched him in the jaw. Showing an exquisit

pinned. Dominating his strength. Purgatory quickly grabbed one of her fist just in ti

armored lady over heating her armor, she yelled in return. Purgatory smirked wickedly and p

oyed parts, his buster retained it glory. Fully functional. Matching up

within was no more as Purgatory thought. They seemed fueled with esoteric e. He looked at White Cheetah who was now standing ho

” Barbie retorted ag

atory ended their assaulter, s

” Assailant, walking u

just deactivated. My attacks did no positive harm to it. And it maxilium properties so overheating or electrical discharge is negative against it. The armor car

thing can turn back on?

t if we are gonna make it out of here alive.. moreover it freaking isolated land

ground. “ Could this get any worse?? ” She

on. “ Am having a visual on some maxilium armor up in the night sky. Yup; this are

to his wound , pushed it as

f here. No joke,we can't outrun this incoming bots. ” Skyl

ng keeping behind him. They had a golden dragon symbol on ’em. Standi

d a brow. “

Skylar and purgatory will

ounded!. You shouldn't even be t

n fixing it. The ship is currently bruised with the esoteric force Mira emi

it wil

l fix it. Take care an

” The trio re

, moving at an

there. ” The bots descending from the

ing ’em on the bow. “ Guys.. co

gh the opened windows and bolted towards the engine room. He released five of his homing arrows as he reached the craft somersaulting onto the rooftop , traveling into the sky exp

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