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Tempest Awakening

Tempest Awakening


Chapter 1 Pilot.

Word Count: 929    |    Released on: 10/06/2022

wing me this now Michael, you could have dome this earlier.”, referring to th

d to come down here myself and hand ’em over to you

he’s being clinging on to me like a mosquito. It only a matter of time before she makes her move on me. ” ,Jeremia

the guy?” He lowered his voice, lowering his eyebrows. “Let just

pair of fancy shoes. His blonde angular fringe hairstyle dazed. “ You want me to allow her to still romance him behind my ba

kinned individuals. He had black undercut. Donned in an black a

it sna

he hasn't even made any transfers yet and haven't even made any Move.. it been three years Jeremiah.. and she just started seeing this guys weeks ago. ” M

ishly. “ Don't argue

Hale Crook. ’ an American citizen he is. Donned in a black attire , w

his face he shook it scattering hair. He twisted the door knob and pulled the door open

s that

an hallucina

a man seated on his couch. Illuminated with the room dark aura. Hale was perplexed, frigh

t budge. None of the swit

lowed, unrecognized. The tone almost mimicked the devil himse

A knife had been driven into his abdomen , pulled out with no reg

his ear, homing the earcom he placed in. Tapping it , bringing to light a bl

there as fas


police that a serial killer was currently located at the tourist destination.

chen, successfully finding one he jumped t

l kept , deep files you couldn't attain

emitting a beep sound. A black power bike located him and he got u

d and also having him killed with his body buried somewhere unknown and dropped a false

y... Checking the security cameras.. damn it! Hale and Arabel are harmed a

road with his power bike. Soon he head the sirens of the police

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