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Tempest Awakening

Chapter 4 Pilot 04

Word Count: 1187    |    Released on: 10/06/2022

black spandex with a black eye mask with red vision. A silver metallic belt was prominent round her waist. Two silver meta

ael uttered getting up for h

e’s Je

they had passed through and were already boarding

iately and s

nd oozed in the sky, blades rotating roughly. An helicopter

for thei

e better j


is. ” She brough

are t

then entirely to another person. Disguise as weapons has

ould work.. what

fully getting through the detector; they headed over to one of the

make it. *” A voice p

y looked at Barbie who was also looked h

favour and try speaking u

ld us you were a telepath!. *” The

hael.. this is simply happening via the m

k are you then

r phone and few techs and mechanism twenty four seven. And most

ah go

pulate their brain waves.. for our products induces strong radiation that

a psychopath.. *”

mits strong radiation such as phones to be precise. And long as you make perfect contact with the scre

ls. “* For how long have

long time thank

men turned their head halfway to the back

ou into trouble. Beside it my intelligence

, you should be one st

this chip before entering the airport, equipped with an A.I, it

n case it gets out of hand how do I

en to that sis... and that some

tunately this might work against Arabel or other wise... backfire. She

in suite with a lot of other people tha

hat the

Michael asked, still

eremiah. *”

e passengers were different. They looked like criminals or worse serial kill

out to a disguise Barbie. Halting her. He met

ion.. your flight is over there. ” He pointed

e I but ti

k base. This one is bought onlin

aised an

Now that

d inwardly

ed towards the other path. ‘* Tel

e first class criminals.. highly dangerous ones. *’ Jeremi

ven possible? *’

you guys location got swapped with new York. That Arabel, shows she is a bit aware

tor. It won't even be right to leave Tempest Industries knowi

ammer champions. On another note they work for Arabel and got two impenetrable armors like dads.. they aren't even tempest products.. Maximalium products.

eal removed his passport as him and Barbie exited the airport while boarding black sports car Jeremiah packed. T

t to contact me , use the earc

The duo reto

aid and sat down com

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