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Tempest Awakening

Chapter 8 The Chase 03

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 10/06/2022


and. By then I had massacred all the crew in bla

sted around with destroyed aeropl

lood. Murdered by psychotic side. The island is dry, th

lean sky; but in the w

ric and cosmic essence. So trying to escape ain't gonna be easy for

a stop and observes the b

oke aside. I have being walking through this island , observing t


plane crash. Arabel isn't obviously on this island.. even th

hanging the gates. But that doesn't matter. I have to be home be

adar circulating the whole island. It deactivate a

to imprison low life villains. Arabel just happened to buy this freaking space, owning the super villains inhabiting the island,

d , taking abso

micro chip in my ear is quite amusing.. killing all the crew in black by tweaking and shattering their brainwaves with hyper sonic frequencies

shields his head complete with a white helmet with two red vision. The nanites downed to his right hand again c

.A. Piloted by Barbie. SEA , an academy towered with many mysterie

him and the old embodiment of magic. The Dark Hour. The Evil Frontier runner. Things drastically

ying; Supernaturon is an aspect of the mysterion, embodying all superna

e enrolled into SEA to further their knowledge on th

such assets ..damn. Number one wealthy family bloodline before the Temp

ne ‘ Mira Maximus ’. Unfortunately the elder one was arrested. She attempted t

Some family member she turned

axwell had purposely shutdown Maxilium Inc and kept it a secret underground thing before leaving for SE

o an open space ignoring the existence of the wind screen and the control pilot. “ It could be that , this two are working together , also ru

well isn't aware of the activitie

henemies since he was Maximal. They both equipped with Maxilium techs such as an Electromagnetic glove

g? Because right now am picking up a strong electromagnetic f

m materials! it damn strong! we have to fall back. We go through that field we

ar craft , abruptly a concussive force struck t

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