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The Outcast Alpha


Word Count: 1217    |    Released on: 20/03/2022

standing in front of his house, his wife ran to him, crying. Richard looked at the baby and felt compelled to lavish more love and affection on this child. Then he began to wonder why

se of all the bad things that have happened to him. He couldn'

lding this Baby?" His

cursed child. He's already cursed. Why are you still holding it? We don't know anything about his background, where he lives, or

she wasn't supposed to say. "Can't you see people here? Could you please keep quiet for the time b

he landlord that I will be leav

ame here, sir,' the

thing happen,' h

he's calling you to come claim it,'' The young man said happily and Richard smiled and he didn't know how to express hi

ers called as well and gave him houses, cars as gifts and Richard was so happy, together with his family. But, his wife still didn't like to be around

months, and years passed. Irene became pregnant, and Richard was over

ing was fine, the engine and everything, and he went inside the car to restart it, but it was still not moving. Richard became concerned because the road they were on was both out of town

n our phone and the car won't start? What are we going

a signal, but there was still no signal. Then he re

t him as he pressed his phone while holding a three-y

e have a signal

and my WIFI isn't workin

," Richard exclaimed as he continued to press his phon

rying. Russell cried for almost an hour, and it was getting dark, and they had no idea how to get bac

n hour now," he was worried about Russell, and if this continued,

crying and won't say an

He motioned with his hands for Russell to come to him. Russell, on the other hand, tremble

, no one should come out,' Russell kept crying, and what he saw was beyond his imaginat

n by that, Russe

o say, but he had a feeling that what Russell was saying had meaning; this child is strange, but in a good way,

e was getting irritated because she couldn't understand why they should sit down

see what happens, hon

his little brat and sit down. Instead of us, go find a mechanic and get out of this hell hole. I don't even know,

heard Russell talking and got close to his mouth t

re,' Russell started breathing so fast and he said. "For thirty minute

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