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The Outcast Alpha

Chapter 7 BETRAYAL

Word Count: 1294    |    Released on: 20/03/2022

oods when she shouted Raymond's name. The scream was so loud that it got into his ear, and that's when he realized she was in danger, he dropped what he was doing and transformed into hi

erson's neck and tore it apart, removing their organ

Raymond's eyes turned red at that point, and he lost control. When he realized what had happened to him, he looked up and saw only Selina.

ay from him, how could he explain to her that he was a WEREWOLF AS WELL AS A

ser to her, and sh

ved and married was a monster. Now that she thinks about it, he was doing almost everything like an animal, and it's no surprise he doesn't know about phones, TVs, and o

eamed again, and then she started crying, and then she screamed again. *NO

close to her and carried her up, tears stre

ported Selina to the bed. He then began coughing up blood, collapsed, and fainted. He had used too much of

he ground with blood coming out of his blood. She go

nd the entire place. Until someone noticed her and called her uncle, at which point they apprehended her and she agreed to work for him. When she pr

about the place she was going to show him, and how he could make a lot o

elina was taken aback, and they even showed her their graves. That's when she revealed where he lives. When they arrived in the mountains, they stole a lot of things and were packing diamonds and other jewelery, knowing th

ck when he saw Selina and

. "You said you were never going to tell anyone about this pl

dead, you lied that you were human,' she snarled. "I hate you,

already streaming down his cheeks, and his che

wanted to keep me here, feed and

hings to him. "You can kill him, he's nothing bu

was burning away his heart, and more blood came out of his mouth, and he was shot in the head again. "That Sniper is really good

o far as to hit her belly against the wall, but her uncle mocked her and sent her away to the orphanage home to give birth. The maids tried everything to stop her until

eone who needs a monster like him." With that, she walked out and lef

me later, and one day a couple came by, took a liking to


s little sister yelled as they bot

carried her up. "I like it when you're around, but not when

, carried her, and spun her around by moving around as well

he Snow when you have class tomorrow

ak?' Russell burst out laughing as she y

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