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The Outcast Alpha


Word Count: 1269    |    Released on: 20/03/2022

had long white hair that almost reached his knees, blue eyes, smooth white skin, stood six to seven feet tall, and was a very handsome

ith humans, and if he does, he will be punished. It wi

ains for a long time, with no frien

were a place for monsters. He knew the mountain like the back of his hand. It was a new day for him, and he sought permission from his guardian, whom he refers to as his father at times because he

as he ran in his

ed his ears with both hands. Even though the scream he had just heard was nearly 100 miles away, he could

ver the fact that i




eks, and continued running with her sister. They were


ead bodies, she and her sister will never let that happen. They would rather die than become prostitutes for the rest of their lives. They must flee, find


e heard the screams again, he quickly covered his ears because they were hurting his ears so badly, and it was as if not only their mouth was speaking, but th


n the grass when she heard a gunshot. She was shot in the leg, and when the

she knelt in front of her sister, tears str

e had lost their parents, which had broken her hear

as she attempted to assist her sister in standi

or her sister to leave her there. If they are apprehended, it will be the end of it all. Their lives will be cut short, no one will be alive to avenge their parents, and she will not

I'm not going anywhere, sis. They will kidnap you, torture you, or even kill you.' S

e you will be the one to avenge our parents and reclaim the properties. Don't let


. She's not sure if they'll have time, but she needs to get her sister away from here, and she's prepared for whatever happens to her because she doesn't want her sister to go through it with her.

mouth and she was crying. "Go away, from her

cried, shak

ed, but Selina

caught and I will never forgive you,' she said

moving. "I will find you, sister, I swear, I will make sure I find you, and please don't die

ong, disgusting worms all over the place. She had no idea w

at the worms began climbing her body and biting her. She sobbed bitterly and screamed for help. She was



ng the worms from her body. She had no idea w

she hear

want to burst my eardr

d up, she saw

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