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The Outcast Alpha


Word Count: 1191    |    Released on: 20/03/2022

st. But he didn't know what was wrong with him. He felt drawn to the girl and wanted to

ll sort it out and get her out of here. I promise, I can even erase her memories and she won't remember me or this place,' Raymond s

One week is all I'm giving you to get her out of this mountain, and she should never remember this p

him to assist her in finding a place to stay. Oh, man. He should

long sleeve hang on his waist. He began walking towards his room when he noticed her playing with the water with both of her hands, as if she were a child. He smiled and folded his arms across his chest, deciding to watch her, and she w

er. "How are you feeling now?" he asked, placing his right hand on her forehead and his other

asked, smiling, and

elina wondered how they got away from those men. When he returns, she'll probably ask him about it. How

ually ate; he had no idea what they ate. But all he did w

ed Raymond, who was carrying a sack bag. He approached her and

aken aback and wondered who on earth eats things like this. There were crabs, tortoises, snails, earthworms, rab

verything and left. He returned a few minutes later and poured all of the

aped open. This

g more?' he as

with each other. Raymond took Selina on a tour of the mountains. This mountain was more than just a mountain; it was a heaven that glittered and speckled. where everything was so perfect. The animals were friendly to her, and it seeme

d the firewood so that the fire could burn hot and quickly heat the food. Raymond entered t

dded as she spoke. He then shook his body and hair s

self like a dog,' Selina said as she laughed, takin

w am I, shaking like

want to shake off the water fro

eirs as well. In any case, a wolf

She noticed the food was burning and went to inspect it. R

of me?" she aske

me anything and not be afraid. Everyone makes mistakes in life; I want

ou, so don't worry," Raymond said as he continued to

from the fire and beg

is Selina

esome. but, the name is strange th

apologies, madam. So, go ahead with it, I want to hear all about it?' Raymond agreed, and Selina laughed. She loves Raymond, and his childishness is on

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