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Siren of the Lake

Chapter 4 The Siren of the Lake

Word Count: 1253    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

areas with an ‘X’ marking Moonlight pack’s location. Sunlight entered his father’s offi

circling a spot on the map within the forest. “This lak

at’s way past the hunting grounds

the siren won’t go down without a fight. She may be slower than us, but her song and wit make up for any lack of physical ability.” His stare mov

’s why he knew he wouldn’t waste this opportunit

o set, casting new shadows on the ground outside and turning as red as the marker in his hand.

stairs to the edge of the forest. Damon stopped and turned to


e?” Damon answered with a snicker, ta

m to give his father a puzzled look. “You won’t need that,” he said, se

lack dagger that shimmered from the sharpness of its blade. “I got it made for you

as the fading sun caught the glint of blue that

master,” Jereth continued. “For decades he worked on a mixture that when encounterin

nd so the hilt was facing Damon, who proudly reached to take a hold of it. Only, when his hand met the brass kn

e this, regardless of the

f his shirt. The three men exchanged a few more pleasantries and then Damon he

to adjust as it balanced between dusk and nightfall. Animals that had spent the day

ounds. It was a path he knew from memory; his father had taken him down it many times when he was younger as part of train

further into the forest, he noticed that Easton and Dilan were telling the truth. The grounds had changed. Wild trees had overgrown,

a few meters into the forest and compared it to his current surroundings, judging approximately where he was located. If he

stop right where he stood. Then it clicked he was at the edge of the hunting grounds, meaning he was closer than he thought. He h

y took over the sky, and Damon’s eyes automatically switched, making up for the lack of light. Outlines of

cate that he was going in the right direction. Yet, there was nothing excep

ad no idea where he was, or where to go until suddenly, he heard rushing water off in the distance. Damon’s atten

sound which grew louder the closer he got. Consistently moving low hanging leaves out of his visio

the dagger still held in the back of his jeans. He took a step forward and moved the last set of branc

thing. Carefully, Damon stepped forward, letting the leaves close behind him. He surve

d him, Damon heard a soft voice speak t

lo t

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