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Siren of the Lake

Chapter 8 Community

Word Count: 1127    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

nstead of the tattered grey robe that she had worn when they first left the lake, she now donned a pair of black je

here?” Damon asked, charting

mon chuckled to himself, prompting

urls to bounce slightly at his movement. “It’s just—you wan

e stopped what she was doing. “Well, ar

ence as his answer, and began setting up random twigs within a smal

mon questioned as he watched Adelaide si

shed around any debris to fan the flame. “This c

you?” h


pecifics. Damon had a mission, and that mission was to kill the siren and avenge all who died at her hand. But if they truly

ut a sigh of pain. Adelaide’s eyes shot up. She stood and moved to a pile of i

ssing him a containe

box. Adelaide gave a curt nod and turned to return to her pla

ed look upon her face, which eventually f

wincing at the periodic pain. “It’s ju

lashes fluttering with each movement. “Fine…” sh

gger sitting on the rock beside him. “Fair enough,” he

ed Damon, bending down in front of him. She searched through the box, pull

n cleaning the wound, while Damon’s locked onto the flecks green around her pupil, standing out amongst the deep brown. And althou

uch and Damon felt an electric pulse shoot through him. She must've felt something similar because she was frozen in pla

t to warn you

hose not to?”

gged. “Consid

gan drizzling water from h

asked as she cleaned the blood o

y added to what

ase something lik

taking bandages out of their wrappers an

eaning up the garbage a

the fresh dressing. “Uh—thank

ed, putting away the box and takin

ore, then moved closer to where Adelaide sat. She didn’t loo

“Say for a second, I go along w

de said. “It’s becau

n’t have been pressing his luck. Only, he found it odd. He had n

tated. “It’s like you weren’

dly seeing Adelaide opening her mouth

so want me dead as a result, I think I have a right

f people who despise all and any wolves. They believe that wolves are infectious to t

es wolves kept to themselves, living separately from most creat

how many of these people a

delicate, but warm. “Try a hundred or so—the

. “…And how exactly are you involved with them?”

her and met Damon’s eyes. She let

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