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Siren of the Lake

Chapter 5 Now or Never

Word Count: 1107    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

ate distance between himself and the being behind him—but when he turned, there was no on

ntire clearing, and his ears were crisp, ready for any movement. Except there was nothing. That was until his vision caught a hold of a

nt to grab a hold of his dagger. How did it possibly know he was there? He was cautious an

ing towards him across the open wate

is senses were high, more than he had ever experienced. “What w

est—an angry Alpha, maybe those

placed his hand in the cold lake, immediately touching wet fabric. He felt around, moving from the clothed material down further until he h

d towards the figure on the rock; the moonlight hit it in s

, as its burgundy hair moved in the breeze that passed by every so often. It was the siren, and she had seen him. He was

he said, making sure

er body over the rock revealing a shimmering tail instead of legs. The siren repositioned herse

ed—how men were so enchanted by her beauty, that they rendered themselves capable of easily falling prey to her song. He n

than he had ever imagined. Only he was stronger than the others. He had trained for moments like this and knew of the risks involved.

he stated, breaking

sed it too soon, he could either scare her off or she could get defensive and use her song before he had the chance to take her

expected,” he said, mimi

emed…genuine. “I guess we’re both surprised the

or countless deaths?” he rebuked, using his senses to detect an

most like a mask was falling, and she took a deep breath to keep it fro

ms, but he paced himself. “Are you going to tell that to him?” he asked as calmly as pos

er and then almost immediately shifted it away. She adjusted her po

s enough,”

e she was surveying him. “You’re not

feet up to his fingertips. The time was coming—an o

prompted in an effort

d. “You’re closed off and not a

y?” Damon bega

tween them for a minute, causing Damon to feel more on edge than he ha

he was to do it, it needed to be now, before she got the chance to utter a single note. He thrust off the mud unde

g had started and there was

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