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A Night With Mr Lim

Chapter 10 Shopping

Word Count: 952    |    Released on: 19/02/2022

n her thoughts as the time passes by. After 30 minutes of slience mood, sh

thought and waved herself out of the living room. When she entered her room, s

ms so p

ib, Jack always found it difficult to sleep at night especially when the debtors came to barged

ight. She even sang lullaby songs for him but it's never worked. She felt so frustrated a

oves Lilah house and find it's peaceful to sleep in also no debtors coming to har

room echoing in her ears as she struggled to open

she finally see her eyes are opened. Rosary roll

time i

't believe you over slept when

gotten. Please

me in the living room. We need to go s

as she remembers the reason she was

e bed heading straight to the bathr

at the boy, who was still drowning i

portant thing here" Lilah replied. She's already dressed up and looking stunning like a quee

ing and ge

utes she was out and surprised not to see Jack on the bed either Lil

e two laughed that loud. Jack was fully dressed in fresh clothes and he was sitting

h, who sat on the opposite chair facing the T

as cloth up in fresh clothes and looks clean. How di

oy called and ran up

y you a

Jack ge

m and cloth him since you want

spend just

s and turned to the boy who was still on her hands. "Sis Lilah is the best. She b

herself with the wave of her hands fanning herself.

long day ahead of us okay. Star

s that how she treats her girls too. She wondered and start eating fast. Since today is the day for her and Mr. X

tate. Little Jack feed his eyes on the car window, viewing the

outh, draws the attention of his s

lace is

beside the driver. "Of course I do" the boy continue w

e we goin

boutique The

oing to do in

u need some magical to

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