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A Night With Mr Lim

Chapter 8 Soon.

Word Count: 848    |    Released on: 19/02/2022

ish their call and asked her friend what the man discussio

r ears.. suddenly, Lilah took it from her to see if M

ss had catch up with Lilah as she was dy

d to say the last part. Thinking why the man asked for her name when it just one nig

ked, head title to her friend. " Hmm,

her chair. Making Rosary to google at her with wide e

means I am

Mr.X can't wait to get you

odded. "Hey don't worry is just one night

d there's no turning back on this. Whether she likes that Mr. X or not.. She had made her choice and it

's will be over' she


ce that can draw any woman attention to him with just a look at him. He stared quietly on his phone. His eyes were glued

rms his heart was that she's a virgin and never had be fucked by any man yet! That's makes him the first to enter her. Making his mood more glorio

ist in this world and had nothing to do but be a delivery slut! That's a

re placing it back on the stool he took it from. His eyes never disconnect from the beauty in front of him. Like h

morrow and every meeting" his masculine voice said, s

s he didn't dare to ask why his boss d

ips as his eyes shows unmovable gaze on the girl picture. She was really alluring and up to his taste. He just can't wait to

of wine and sip from it again w

a devilishly chuckles lit up on his l

oing to be the


s meals. And Lilah seem extremely tried as she waved t

in thoughts. Hope she's doing the right thing and not the wrong one. S

ient to know the name of his delivery slut? She thought

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