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A Night With Mr Lim

Chapter 6 She

Word Count: 1858    |    Released on: 19/02/2022

pared for will be for waste! She can't afford to lose this man not yet. He's well loaded and capable of the job. If not Mr. X it's would be hard to get the

bothering on what to say or what to do. Rosary, who couldn't take

a vir

ey but not in a desperate way! She was planning to tell Mr. X then but not now, not too early. She intended to tell the man after he had accepted to have the girl so the money price can pile up. That's what she had thought and calculated not expecting the

call and hasn't ended. That's a relief. "Send me her pictures" immediate

ts on her phone to send Mr. X the phot

t know what to do or say at that moment. The only thought that comes to her mind to help her friend save the customer was saying she was a virgin. That's was the only op

picture she turned her gaze towa

how trying to keep him to accept me. I thought I was doing the right d

ber. Instantly, the caller picked, she said " Sir the price

nded. Rosary, who heard the price of the money flew her

her father's bills and start a good job to work her way toward her dream. She was

night with him? Wouldn't he refuse?" She questioned w

money is too small for him. Don't you need the money to pay off your father's bills and sta

ead like a little girl listening to m

se for him to increase the budget but never mind he still accepted to pay the 50, 000 dollars. I hope that would be enough for you to pay off your father's bill and do something to succeed in life because this type of job. Isn't that easy for any woman..." Before she could fini

use she can't breathe well with the way her friend was

ry" she

er I have to say. There are rules apply" the girl on her left-hand side, simply

hat means Mr.X would be wearing a mask to hide his face from you. In no contact will you try to take off his mas

ore asking. "Why did they have to hide their faces?" She wants to kno

don't want to happen to any of our clients. Their safety is more important to us. For you, ladies just

ing, I need food in my stomach before I died. Dealing with Mr. X isn't that easy" Lilah said, standing up from

known man Lilah was speaking to. She didn't know why she's too curious about him all of a sudden. She

at the girl who's in thoughts. "Is something wrong?" Sh

an we get the food

imply cut off the deal. She knows Lilah very well on that. She's always after the best benefits of her friend. Not letting her make a decision she wasn't sure about yet. Hiding that worries thought from Lilah was

tchen seems to flourish just like her living room. Oh my gosh! Lilah has everything she was dreaming of having. A nice ap

orld!" She exclaimed excitedly. Love

lass of water from the one she took from the fridge. Rosary turned her eyes from the sparkling kitche

th the question. "How can you say this apartment i

for the poor who never lived in such a facility before it was a golden

asked, bringing out fresh bread and eggs from the fridge . It is already late and she can'

w anything you wa

sted bread and fried eggs which it'

and gisting along loving the friends moment they have. They crack

he didn't have anything in her mind again that keeps her getting worried. All she could think

ff from Mr.X . Just that mom

ah's phone and when she saw the call

nstantly. Immediately, Rosary was aware of her friend's immed


hone to her

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