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A Night With Mr Lim

Chapter 5 money

Word Count: 1488    |    Released on: 19/02/2022

She really needs the money and can take the ris

ord I said but first I need a pret

Lilah need a picture of her, she didn't under

accepts you. Or you don't need the money again?" She teased knowing

d Mr. X" the girl said, looking on her phone before her eyes. Rosary wonder who the hell was Mr. X b

supporting her head to looks straight at the camera. Her smoothie long legs displays it

" she

! This girl is fucking sexy to be irresistible! Her floppy blonde hair was laying

o choice but to go for this

nd ways. Rosary, who was sliently enjoying the moment felt like a model taking her shots for important occasio

. She would, after all these

game just a little touch and she would be on the top list. With that magnificent beauty of hers, no o

ures, Lilah stops and sat back

uestion from Rosary as she slowly take her seat close

t too strange? She thought. Lilah, who have be way busy with her phone stops and looked at her friend. S

e that the name he used t

ords. So, this type of business

research properly before approval their registration. We don't want to give our girls out to someone who would murder

" Then, if you people didn't get their true Identify how come you get to kn

had to cover their faces with masks. Then we asked for thing that related to those things he had written down on his r

l. "What about Mr. X are you sure

y always praised him and want to get back in his arms. He fucked them well and paid them more than the budget we agreed on. Whe

she would get all the money she wants in just one night with

with a little worries on her face driving Rosar

for our service. So, I don't know

d or not" Rosary suggested with a sincere options. If is

up again hoping fully he might replied but he didn't. The girl was getting frustrating. Mr. X a

ght looking more worried. She can't offered Rosary to any other clients. Mr. X was the best client s

a relief, why didn't she thinks of that before disturbing herself with text with no reply. She dialed the


Lilah put it in loud speaker for Ro

ivery department" Lilah introduced he

" So, what do I hold this sudd

n the house right now. And would like to know if you

an answered the girl. It seem

d wasn't in his word or the way he speaks but all she was into was the man approval. From the way Lilah describe

I would like you to go for it before someone does" Lilah continue chatting with the man while R

" She lastly asked with a war

o bother myself with" the man words cut Lilah out of her excitement mood. She wasn't expecting that from him.. almost

mind again. She didn't have time as time was clicking off her hands, she was still bat

a vir

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