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The Art of Falling in Love with a Star

Chapter 8 A ride with him (Part 2)

Word Count: 1133    |    Released on: 13/02/2022

t as I could and positioned myself in my seat, placing my things at the back. I turned on the ignition to start the car, but I felt that my

’s the proble

annoyance on my face, a

d the tire of my car with my right f

le and bent my body a little so that I

Just when you

car mechanic, but a ca

man again. Just how many times did I see him t

I told him, s

ke one of those famous college students in angst films or books, especially thos

ust gonna

red and came b

l just call the me

iled and looked a

car. I looked at my wristwatch as well, and it’s already 15 minutes past

th irritation about

me? I stopped calling

he realized what he ha

shirt, cardigan, and thi

e that our faces were just a few inches away from each other.

orgot,” I awkwa

ed and smiled at me. I noticed that he’s smiling most of th


hase,” I

use at Mapo-gu? Wo

ted, which was qui

sly. “How did you know Paper

ere,” he remarked, his eyes still focu



was referring to because there were three ‘Roys’ in the p

n other entertainments too, designing various music albums. And

road outside. “You? How about you? Why are you all dressed up too? What

just when I loo

a very dark ginger-coloured style, I think. He’s wearing a lovely beige collared shirt like the colour of my shirt, dark blue s

in the getting-to-know-you each other a

re very assuming,

ike you, I’m

oing to be l

’s quite

one rang again. Ms. Rose’s name appeared on m

d to rush,” she sai

ready on the way. Here, if you’d like to hear the wind rushing.” I slightl

an giggle a

d, really. Something urgent came up. Ms. B

y?” My voice so

r you can also be late. I am allowing you to be late b

house and check if they already have the copy I requested last time. I always see that library whenever I have free time or before I go home. Since I was young, I

he matter?” t

l just take a bus ride from there. My client cancelled the meeting.

ked at me a

r your shoes properl

, which made hi

Come with me. Let’s eat

I sounded irritated

til a disturbing sound broke the silen

gain and laughed like

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