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The Art of Falling in Love with a Star

Chapter 4 A bit of music (Part 2)

Word Count: 1338    |    Released on: 13/02/2022

pular nowadays, but I haven’t heard of him yet before. Or, I don’t have enough time these days to check out trendy peopl

d reading

eck out his SoundCloud! He

ikes to give spoilers whene

avenly! I could lis

an sing all genres! Pop and h

ke sessions whenever he does

he also danc

ces music for the famous

, he is a comp

seems in

well into yet another bone, spine, mind-tingling, or whatever part of my entire body system that’s prone to getting weak every time I work o

van Park’s m

That’s right; I should read more replies. Unfortunately,

n the reply section as every second passed, considering tha

are the link to his S

utes, I receive


ark85! Here

my table while thinking, but I realized I was only wasting my precious time when I should just continu

his profile banner looked so pretty. He probably likes the sea. Additionally, written on his profile part is short information about

e a lot of songs and covers. Unbeknownst to me at first, my eyes were already glimmering. I don’t know, but I was ki

tered softly when the in

, I’m not in the position to critique songs, but I must say that I liked it already. The tone of his voice

om a mellow tone to a rock mellow. Songs like this are my go-to ones. I would listen to calm songs like this when I felt over drained already on reviewing and editing manuscripts. Such songs

ay. It was simply sweet but full of complex shades

what’s next on the list? Let’s see,” I whispere

caught my attention fo

slow guitar chords for a few seco

ing in a da

ces were whis

is eve

breathe p

felt like the lyrics somewhat refer to people having trouble with themselves. It’s like being in a phase of trying to disc

in, it became even sa

hall I

all I s

ike I’m n

elong in t

aloud by a person. Then, suddenly, it hit me. Was this his diary

nded in th

t!” I hissed to myself and continued choosin

iss me,” I r

sad, but

he table, with the song on a high volume. It’s freezing

were c


hit th

I slept! Why did I sleep? Wait, what time is it

my phone.

peacefully. I slept

ly I didn’t, I could have done three pages al

et. Now I’m about to

wanted to rush it, and now I’m on the last few pages. This manuscript is long, about 400 pages. So even though I work 8 hours six days a week, it’s st

to be at the publishing house at 9:00 am later, so I already decided to get ready to bed. I cl

med when I finally felt the sof

t you call a mom

es and started



hat loud, dis

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