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The Art of Falling in Love with a Star

Chapter 6 The element of confrontation (Part 2)

Word Count: 1415    |    Released on: 13/02/2022

en though the weather was cold. Realizing how much my palms got a little damped because of his sweat, I wiped

oud? I was trying to sleep, just so you know,” I said with my eyes avoiding his stare, almost catching my breath. Nonetheless, I quit

ted and giggled. “Miss, if you’re talking to m

ght into his eyes. Oh,


he man asked with a voice I

e got to be

tered, still l

s Forehead?” H


incredibly, def

an’t b

I got bumped and fell into. The man who lent me his enormous shirt and cardi

e is this? I did

t on good terms this morning, but please be quiet. It’s almost 3:00 in the morni

orry about that,” he reckoned continuously, scratching his nape like the way he

face, which made him tilt a little, “will report you. For real!” I then showed him my phone using m

him gigg

ined my supposed-to-be peaceful night. And if only I were in good condition, I would be sayi

op now, Miss Forehead,” the

d,” I quickly said, turned my back against t

the man started si

e some manners?!” I raged

the tone of his shout, he did it in purpose. He i

e I was ready to punch him even though he was almost double the siz

head,” the man uttered, his

n’t you underst

it,” he said, covered his mouth, and snorted. Was he m

to report you to the management. I’m pretty sure they’re on a 24-hour service these days,” I said the


a meter above my height. I looked at my phone like it was in slow motion, like a white f

ded in a curving position behind my back like he was giving me a hug a

trange thing poundi

of drama

t go

,” he deadpanned

y, aren’t you?” I could thi

hat everyone is saying, s

ld you d

on this floor, only the two of us. Every un

r a moment. How is

ar someone vacuuming and sweeping the dust off the floor from the other side of my unit. If not, there would be som

ey all m

is th

before this man showed up? This condominium is not tha

iated, his eyes

. I know that was suppose

a non-living thing? Excuse me, I could breathe and talk! So it’s way too obvious that I am a person!” I frustratingly exclaimed in the loudest voi

ne shouting?” Did

Mister!” I

” he m

as funny they might’ve looked like, I was in a raging moment fighting for m

ingly asked. “Oh, that

stop. Stop shouting an

nly felt weak.

n’t know that another person is living on this floo

calling me M

u please let me sleep?

and gestured his han

A snow scout

” I ut

hat long interruption. The security officer called me because I acciden

security of

n it. I immediately covered myself with my white blanket. But I was curious, though, did that man

ng about it? Right n

n was a

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