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The Art of Falling in Love with a Star

Chapter 7 A ride with him (Part 1)

Word Count: 1488    |    Released on: 13/02/2022

rm clock woke me up, w

could say I’m used to having a lack of sleep, if not six hours maximum, due to the nature of my work, but the case earlier was d

hat man anymore,” I groaned. “I feel like

ow what trouble he was causing that coul

neighbor,” I chuckled and stared

s walnut pie and iced americano in this instance, it could wait. Bargaining myself to not think of

my bathroom, the wooden floor freezing my naked feet. See? Last night, I didn’t even have the time to we

due to the arrival of the winter season, so I put on only a simple makeup since I didn’t want to get my face dry. I don’t use makeup that much unless there’s a special occasion in the publishing house, so this look

t him?” I scowled and made m

iene products, the book I am currently reading, and just other stuff. Well, just a sling bag, but a little bigger than the one I used yesterday, whic

ook quite decent now,” I said with confid

as Ms. Rose’s name appe

cheerful as I could because being sloppy in the mornin

office now,” she said with a high-pitched tone of her v

it was also apparent that she had already arrived a

n what ruckus I had been ea

to leave my unit,” I softly

talk to you about her manuscript. She said she’ll arrive in 30 minutes, so around 8:45? You must arrive first

expected I would make it in time for Ms. Becky’s sudden request for a meeting. Ms Becky is the writer of the manuscript

it to the publishing house will take

whispered to myself

y five minute

Road traffic was getting heavy in the early morning these past days, s

man from earlier was also leaving his unit. Just as I was closing my door, h

gnal rays were coming from my eyes—how horrible was night was because of him. Not expecting anything, he returned the look an

mbarrassing, but

the elevator to come up as well. Neglecting his sudden appearance, I

ter I was born,” I spoofed, but he just looked at me for a g

,” he si

ide comment or

s,” I responded an

pecting me to ask

ing to tell you. Wh

the elevator before looking at me from toe to head as if there was

s the rush? Isn’t it ob

mpled pants agr

I didn’t have enoug

eone’s a lit

, and I looked at h

ch I didn’t really expect at all since we were supposed to

, ok

xplain to him? N

uickly tried to get in, but we entered simul

t.” The man gestured his


lize that we were going to the same floor, so he accidentally slight

rking 1 as well?”


,” I answered h

xt seconds until my phon

s. Rose?” Not

pull my phone away from my ear. I slightly saw the man laughing beside me. I’m

all me again? I promise

w too and will be here in less than

ll be there in 30 min

Ms. Brooke. Traf

. I’m driving now.” I lie

. “Driving already? Woah,

eyes at him. “If you weren’t singing so—” he w


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