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Chapter 5 THE WOMAN

Word Count: 2159    |    Released on: 13/12/2021

re getting intense. I feel like I am not the same anymore. I am getting weirder and weirder too. I can hear voices from the dead. I

ose my eyes and my chest is getting tight because of the pain. I checked my phone and I saw Devon’s message when I asked him what he was doing. He sent his photo with his friends. Hanging out; drinking beer and smoking weed. Three hours before I saw it. He is living his life to the fullest? literally. I tried to call him but he didn’t answer my

d my ears with my pillow but it didn't work. I can still hear him barking and the more I ignored his bark, it made me irritated. I sat on my bed and I tried to call him but he was not minding me. He keeps on barking a

ile trying to look at him from inside m

al because he used to run to me whenever I called him but this time he ignores me. He kept on barking, which forced me to stand up and check why he was barking. He is barking at the gu

d and he kept on barking again. As if he's barking on something. His tail is standing the same

py and tamed dog but right now he is a

he reason why Wolfie is barking. I tried to put my ear closer to the door to hear the voice and the cry was getting louder. As if the woman crying inside is in agony. Her w

r my one eye to see who was weeping inside and I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing the woman with long black messy hair crying on the floor. She’

is,” She whisper

” She whispered ag

’t tak

ike it is just near me. I feel like it is getting inside my head. I saw Wolfie run away because he was scared too like me. I can feel the melancholy from her.

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r in an instant. The door bangs and when I turn around, She is standing beside me

eyes because I was scared of he

g it. I looked inside again and I saw the woman holding a rope. Tie the rope on the ceiling and she tries to pull it down first to check if it is strong enough to hold her. She looks at me. She smiles and tells me not to make noise as if everything will be alright if she commits suicide. Then she puts the rope around her neck. She jumps from the chair and falls

o her makes me scared. Scared not to be strong and end up like her because lately, I am thinking about suicide too. To end the pain that I felt and to be with the man that I love at the crossroads. Now I know for sure that he is wait

g a glass of water and wondering when she sees my closed eyes while holding the doorknob. I took a deep breath and

swer. I am shaking because I am still scared. I look

ered and I wet my lips. I looked back inside the room again an

and she saw nothing. I don’t know why she is not going to

nk it. She is looking at me. Maybe she was wondering why I was shaking and scared. I know I loo

check,” She said with a smile. Nana Salve has a smili

from my hand when I handed it over to her. She tapped m

to my room. I looked at the guest room but the woman who suicides is no longer there. The chair that she used a

son and one daughter who is living in the province. She decided to stay with us so that she can help mama to look after me. Even though I am old and mature

. I know I am not dreaming, I just can't believe it. I checked my phone and I received a message from Devon and he just said “Good morning” to me and “See

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s in my ears again that irritates me as if she is just

ears to avoid hearing it but it

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static that keeps on making noise inside my

't tak

’t tak

’t tak

’t tak

am just tired or exhausted from thinking too much. That is why my brain produces pictures that I thought were real. I clo

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