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Chapter 3 THE MORGUE

Word Count: 2115    |    Released on: 13/12/2021

ng me and I saw my mom crying beside me. She is the woman that I heard crying. Her eyes were swollen because of crying too much. I looked at her and she

t recognize with her. I am lying on a tile that looks like a bed. I am inside the half-closed body bag and I am naked. I have a bracelet too with

ed. She is not even moving or saying something. She wiped her tears when she heard me call her again. She doesn't know if she will walk near me. It seems like he

. I looked at my mom just to make sure that my eyes and my brain were not tricking me. I want to make sure that I am no longer in the place that I’ve been. The smell of sulfur and burning flesh is gone. The voices are gone too except for the weep that I can hear from outside. M

use of the way she looked at me. Makes me

id not answer. It seems that she can’t believe what she is wit

a weak voice. I feel very h

rsty,” I told her but

rings her senses. She immediate

ed at me and then hugged me. She couldn’t believe that I am here beside her. Her ey

almost cried. I looked at her because s

les and looked at me seriously. She takes a deep breath because

iends and Jayvee” She started and took a de

reaction but I am still absorbing what she said.

k my head because I couldn't believe what I heard. When a scene flashe

r while looking str

cause you came back from death” She answered and

us?” I as

nly survivor... God gave you back” She said while cryin

She asked me and showed me t

om is telling me and my name is written on it. I shook my head because I couldn't believe what was happening. I believe my mom but this time

ck,” She said while the tears of jo

cannot believe that Jayvee is dead because he didn’t survive the

her tears fell from her cheeks too. Maybe she doesn't know how to tell me that the man that I love is alr

n eyes what is really going on. I looked around and I saw a bunch of people crying and mourning. What is going on? I asked myself while looking around and listening

th my own eyes. I need to see him before believing that he is really gone. I keep on walking while my mom keeps on following me. With the blanket that is coverin

surprised because I came back from death like Lazarus and now I am walking in front of

nd look inside. I saw Jayvee’s mom weeping, sitting on the floor. She can’t breathe properly anymore because of the pain of losing someone. I saw his dad too. Sitting at the corner; like his mom. He is crying too. I feel the heavy emotion in an instant. I want to break down but I keep myself strong. I went inside the room shaking because I am nerv

the bag. I hugged him and tried to wake him up. Hoping for a


se, Heaven wa

se wake up!!!

have a lot of plans for the future. The wedding, the family that we want to build, the promises of growing old together. All of it was gone in just one accident. I looked at him whi

like me. She can feel my pain. She knows how to hurt it is to lose someone that you loved. The one that is supposed to grow old with. I ca


wake up,”

is back. He went back from the dead like me. I immediately stand up and hug him but I can't hug him. My hand just infiltrated him. I tried to hug

he body bag. I shook my head because maybe my eyes are just tricking m

look at me. I saw his body still lying inside the bag and only his soul was walki

Camille, Nestle, Josh, Aimee, The driver, and the rest of the team. Their eyes were all closed while walking following the girl who was holding Jayvee’s hand. They walked like they were hypnotized. They were all naked. I feel goosebumps and I can't b

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