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Author: I.B.LOYOLA

Chapter 1 THE TOUR

Word Count: 2882    |    Released on: 10/12/2021

irements for us to graduate. We will shoot all the historical places in Baguio such as the Battle of Irisan Historic Site, Camp John Hay Cemetery 2, the Keyst

last name is Stephen. It is because my dad is a veteran soldier who died last year and he is an American who married a Filipina nurse and that is my

husband while holding a camera because I am recording


el like I am in Heaven whenever I am with him and of course, I am his angel. We are Heaven and Angel and that is how cheesy we are. Jayvee is a sweet, smart, handsome boyfriend and I know he loves me because even though there are a lot of girls who have a crush on him in school, I am still his number one priority. He is always telling me his schedules, especially his schedules of training in basketba

because he is older than all of us and he will be our director in our documentary film. Nestle is one of a kind. He wants everythin

rrow we will start our shoot right away and of course, we want to have a day for fun in Baguio befor

tand, the important it is that he arrived and it is time for us to leave. Carrying our bags. We went inside the bus one by one and of course, Jayvee sat beside me. While Camille, my cute best friend, sat beside her crush Josh. We

nd I saw Nestle getting stressed. He is not smiling anymore because he is thinking about the time that

at?” Jayvee asked w

oks so stresse

ke that, He is so serious,” He s

ar. Now I know why Camille has a crush on him. I brought my chips from my bag and opened it. I got some and I gave some to Jayvee too before I passed it to them and everybody had their share and enjoyed the chip that I shared. We are enjoying our trip because everybody is excited about going to Baguio and we are like kids again in grad

” He said with a

e parking lot of Greenwich Pizza and Aimee went down with Camille to order pizza. While everybody was excit

ile the bus was stopped and I let go of his hand that

nd kissed him, and let

ini sink and water in a faucet, a mirror, and smells good. Smells like an ocean-fresh with a little minty. Maybe it is the freshener that they put in that makes the toilet smell good. I stretched first


hile continuing

checked who was pranking me but everybody is busy, minding their own business and they don’t care about what is going on with me inside the toilet. I know Jayvee went back from sleeping, that is why I closed the door again to put all my stuff inside my pouch. I looked at myself in the mirror when I saw a silhouette of a girl running behind me. I looked back to see who it was but I didn't see anyone with me. So I turn around and look at myself in the mirror again and

nd I didn’t know that he was alread

He asked before

while still thinking abo

load pizza, Hawaiian, and bacon with ham. She passed it to Josh and then Josh passed it to us and I passed it

ing her pizza. We all enjoyed the pizza, even Nestle, who w

ding their phones on this cold night because of the bus aircon. We got all tired and we didn’t notice that it was already 10:30 P.M. Jayvee covered me with his blanket when he saw me shaking because I am cold. Anyway, he was wearing a jacket and he hugged me close to him to make me warm and then closed his eyes and fell asleep. I feel so secure and comfortable in his arms that it makes me s

nd kissed my forehead when he noticed

sweet that it makes me fall in love with him more. I am so lucky

and kissed his cheek. He

p. I stood up to put my phone inside my bag and I was about to sleep when I saw two men standing in the middle of the road. One is holding on to his stomach and he looks so distressed. His stomach is bleeding the same as his mouth and the

to check what happened to the two men that our bus ran over. I keep looking around to see them but I can no longer see them. They were just gone. I saw the driver bring his lighter out and light the cigar

called me in

. I sat down and answered, “Nothing

answer him because I am thinking again of the men that I saw

e what I saw in my head because it looks real. I shook my head and thought about what is important, that it is just my imagination and the bus didn’t run over to thos

smoke; shape like a human, at the top of Jayvee covering his nose. I got scared and I suddenly stood up but I saw myself still sitting and sleeping besid

her. I looked around but I saw my colleague. Wounded, covered with blood, and not moving. I am not sur

here was no voice comi

y name and I looked around but

wearing shorts and a shirt that is bigger than her. She has wounds and bruises covering her body. She is looking down and she is holding me tight in my hand. I wanted to let go of her hand but her hold

pulling my hand but she is holding it tight and she doesn't want to let me go but I continue pulling my hand for her to let me go. Until she l

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