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Chapter 4 THE LIFE

Word Count: 2302    |    Released on: 13/12/2021


eaker and weaker. I don't want her to see me weak and lifeless because if it is hard for me; it is hard for her too. That is why I need to be strong. Life must go on, half of me is always reminding me that I need to get back on my feet and make myself whole again while the other half is telli

mourn of every teacher who lost their students because of the accident. I know it’s hard and it might be impossible but I want to face all of it for me to move on completely because the more I deny it or run away from i

“In loving memories” I stare at the bus. It was wrecked. Totally wrecked like a crushed can and it is so impossible that I survived but I thank God because I am. It shows that I still have unfinished business, I still have a mission that I need to accomplish. I looked at their photos one by one and in an instant. I felt like I was missing them so much. The laughter, the song that we were singing is still echoing in my ears. I can still see their smiles and excitement. It is as if it just happened yesterday but it was already a year ago. How time flies. Their death is already one year but

from falling and continued walking. I heard some of th

ere As if I can’t hear them. It irritates me but that’s okay. I know that they are just telling the truth and I ne

I am not standing in front of them. I looked at them and they loo

I am really lucky that I survived. They didn’t know the pain that I was carrying of losing someone you love

was walking slowly to the mango tree. It seems that the tree is welcoming me again and I can’t wait to get there. While walking I saw a shadow from behind me walking to the mango tree. There are two shadows now; one is mine and the other one is from someone who is walking behind me. That is why I looked back to see who it was but I didn't see anyone walking behind me. So I continue walking but the shadow is still there. It seems that it wants to walk with me. The wind blew again and the shadow faded away as the wind stopped. I am now at the front of the tree and my heart beats fast when I am silently looking at it. I remember those tim

ch under the tree that the former gardener made. I put my bag beside me and watched the students. Talking, reading, and having fun with their friends; They were like me before with my friends and Jayvee. There are a lot of new students. I see new faces while looking at

un to him to see who it was but then h

eyes were wide open and I became scared when I saw a woman hanging dead in the tree. Her eyes almost popped up and her hair was so messy. The wind

ook like a student or maybe one of the teachers. I wanted to run but I bumped into a man behind me. He is holding a cigarette and a lighter and he tells me not to shout or to tell an

sked while looking a

igarette that he just lit. I didn’t talk. I

e campus?” I asked him while watching

rong?” He

to tell,” He said. I s

my type


e asked. I shook my head a

ut you?”

d then he picked a piece of rolled paper like a cigarette inside his pocket and lit it a

your name

nswered and coughed hard

oo and asked me. “Why do you keep on looking back?” and looked back at me. I

told him my name

met except for the “weird” part. He is just a bit taller than Jayvee. His black pants, shirt, and sneakers with his backpack match min

are you takin


me course, I am taki

are classmat

subject is jour

lready know someone on campus because I feel like I am a stra

aw him smiling for no reason but in

weed is getting to me alre

ieve it because he didn’t just smoke cigarett

ly the two of

feeling?” I aske

He asked while givi

I am

to hang out. I checked the time on my wristwatch and it was already 10:20 a.m. We only have ten minutes to walk back to the build

over his body to cover the smell of cigarette that stic

tree. I looked back at the mango tree as my last glance for today an

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