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TGLES #2: Belong To Me

Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 1335    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

a Ces

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my teeth. I walked back to my bed and played with my phone. Today is the day where t

my cereal out and my milk from the fridge. I put it in

? Go take a shower!" My mom s

ll m

and gave the empty plate to my maid. I ran upstairs and jumped into the shower right

. I smiled because I'm quite proud of myself for finding this beautiful dress. I sprayed some perfume

ont of his room wearing his

He said as he got up. He walked up

, dad."

e's Z

lked out from her room. We walked down and got into the car right away becaus

?" My dad asked and I


take a rest dear." My mom

k, mom. No wor

ause you don't look that lively ever since.. shit!" My dad hissed w

end up in bed with them just to fill my

like I used to. Still bubbly, still having fun and partying but the difference is that I don't involve any boy

ible to people and I tried to stay at home a lot. Once, I didn't even go out from the house for a week.

that the Lemiere can cover everything about Caleb in everyway. There's no news.. about him. No one know

They walked out and I followed them. We met a cou

and it's a diamond and gold mine. This year, we're expanding our wings much more a

It's a garden brunch kinda thing and I sat down near the

ant to look or care about it. Maybe they invited someone famo

y eyes fell on Caleb who walked into the venue. People

t's because everyone misses him. He didn't come home for 5 years and of course everyon

unaway. I looked around to find a way out. I walked out from the venue through a small door

e car. I wanted to ask my chauffeur to take me home because

o him and my eyes widened when I saw he changed a lot. He got a thin beard and his body

." I said awkwardly and I can

see you're trying to run away."

w? Or going back to Canad

back to Canada?" Why is he as

e.. why me

want to go home?" He asked and I look

or not?" I asked frustrat

ill, if you don't want it.. they

ard someone called him. He turned

it's your

said in a

o inside." He said as


d and I shook my head. I opened the door

ou up tomorr

aid shaki

me frustrated. He turned his body walking away and I took my h

earing for 5 years.. I will be okay onc

n't be okay, Serena." He

got crazy!" I hissed a

into the car. I asked my

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