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TGLES #2: Belong To Me

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1081    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

a Ces

eup remover wipes to make sure that no makeup still attach there. I walked to the toilet and washed up my face. I

makeup for the runway earlier so I just decided to erase it and redo it. I put my makeup on a

rite bakery for a moment because I'm so hungry. I checked my phone and found my mom se

e here. What kind o

walked inside the bakery and yes.. they greeted me with that warm and yu

ned to see a good looking man around my broth

te which is the dark chocolate croissant. I found it and when I was going to take it..

said to him and walke

as he put it on my tray. I looke


and I told the cashier t

u so muc

." He said a

e cashier, I walked out quickly and get into the ca

d my bread until I arrived at the event. My chauffeur opened the door for me and I walked inside. I

ey doing now?" I

's an event where we gather to help people or you can say it as charity but this year they have a

hat they want us to help them by building homes for the poo

for a sec?" My mom suddenly came to me a

s wron

want you t

id and my mom'

asked. I turned to D

ry shop. He gave me my favorite dark chocol

t's the d

iel's brother." I raised my

enly has to go to Africa for 2 months or maybe more and he already h

you, Serena." He said as he

o meet

ead too." He said sm

the night." My mom said and I nodde

this or maybe you hate the idea.. feel fre

n't want to spend time with a beautiful gir

t on purpose ea

sked complet


ce is freaking Serena Cesantio. For the croissant.. you are welcome."

re to go?

e." He said and I nodded. He suddenly put his

ing a fast

ely. I know that second that we will get along just right. I to

n allergy to pizz

ng with a pizza inside my throat

e an


last breath." He said dr

second." We both stopped laughing and turn

uck to the car." I said when I noticed his date. He shrugged

u o

She said and th

te a drama." Darre

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