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TGLES #2: Belong To Me

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1075    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

a Ces

w that this place existed in New Y

rest of my life." He said and I chuck

own like this whi

spend time with my family since they're all

I notice that Caleb doesn't really

him, he'

im right?" I turned t


, I'm n

mb and besides I don't like him.

marriage thing?" Darren asked rig

arents because I don't want to d

eeting you.. you're quite fun and okay to be with


l that every guy will kill

dy. For them, having sex wi

single, I think you will turn me on." He said and

e a girl

orry but yes I have a girlfrien

. So.. why do you agree to see me? Your brother has a girlf

her very much because she's half asian which I don't

is sh

dying in L

nged marriage thing, you're

s you're frien

. you know.." I looked

ikes you or not, he likes you. S

, Darren. He made me that way and it'

nts are arranging this thing but she trusts me so.. you can use m

t kind of pe

lling to help." He

ll a

it's h

lyn bridge talking. Darren is a really good guy but I don't feel anyth

alked inside my house and my eyes widened to see Cal

ou doing he

nd I will go to Ghana in 2 days for volunteer

didn't si


ion? I won't go!" I bursted angrily and I

hem?" He asked and I push

hat I don't even want to be in the same place with you, let alone breath the same air,

our circle as you." I added and he was spe

out arrange

hit that you're regretting and

e one who hurted

m my house and let's just don't see each

iend." He stated but

like him. He appreciates me and I'm going to marry him." I sa

ss by, you were the one who wanted that but n

now why."

than be with you. You hurted me that much until I don't want to see yo

always belong to you, Serena.

walk away and find someone else." I said and I felt the pain in my heart rising up again. Without me know

, I won't talk to you again. I will disappear from your life, I will

you should kn

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