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TGLES #2: Belong To Me

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1092    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

a Ces

story because I didn't lik

void Caleb. I hate to say that I really don't want to go but Chase kept insisting that I

trance. He was talking to his friends and when he saw

aid and I nodded. I put hi

boy." I said and h

ent to his secretary to open it later. We talked a lit

k hot!" Kiera sa

ok fabulous." I sa

Celestine said and then sh

oys when your man is here?"

at all, he's just.. you know.. a c

Athena said as she sa

" Kiera said and I poured myself a shot. I mean maybe tonight is the night where we

It was fun to be with the girls. We talked a lot

In that movie.. I saw that.. I saw that.. Zombie..

man!!" Athena laughed like a

s movie.. it was about an elf who can make magic.. magic potion.. for animals.. to go to.. a thing.. no no no.. a place.. like narnia.

pointed at someone and we turned our head

as she got up. She walked away and

m my seat and walked to the dance floor. I started to dance, feeling the beat that's blasting inside the room. Men were

eb sitting at one of the empty tables.. alone. His eyes were on me and I

n't dare to get close to me. I closed my eyes and took another shot. I l

e bottle of alcohol walking towards the dance floor

the ground. I was that tipsy and drunk, I think. I got up again and I tried to reach the bottle that he put

I walked away. I sat on a random empty table and cl

my eyes and saw Caleb sitting beside me. I pulled

asked and he just l

and chuckled sarcastically. I turned to the table and grabbed another bottle

looking at him in horror. I might be drunk

but Caleb grabbed me. He pulled me to his lap

!" I hissed still tr

ng with other men." He whispered and it ma

y men can taste me." I said laughing and he let me go. I turned

e're a thing. It was in the past and I will never repeat the same

Caleb. I might be.. I might be drunk but I'm sob

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